Game on! It’s Trump / Pence vs Hillary / Satan – IOTW Report

Game on! It’s Trump / Pence vs Hillary / Satan

WyBlog: It’s official. Donald Trump is the Republican party’s nominee for 45th president of the United States.

And shortly thereafter, Indiana Governor Mike Pence joined him on the ticket.

You will note that this blogger was, briefly, in the #NeverTrump camp.

Then reality set in.

The bottom line? Pond scum would be preferable to Hillary Clinton.

So I conclude, not without some reluctance, that the Wall Street Journal’s Bill McGurn is right: the best case for Donald Trump is this: the alternative is Hillary Clinton.

The economy? “There is zero reason to believe a Clinton administration would be any improvement over the past eight years, from taxes and spending and regulation to ObamaCare. ”

Social issues? Hillary Clinton is “the candidate who touts the Planned Parenthood view of human life, who sees nothing wrong with forcing nuns to provide employees with contraceptives, and who supports the Obama administration’s bid to compel K-through-12 public schools to open girls’ bathrooms to males who identify as female.”

Foreign affairs? Think the Russian “reset” (how’s that working out?) Benghazi, and the “deal” with Iran.

The Supreme Court? To ask the question is to answer it.


11 Comments on Game on! It’s Trump / Pence vs Hillary / Satan

  1. That headline is an actual fact. Hillary doesn’t have a conscience, she has a direct line to Satan. Just like with Saul Alinsky’s book that was dedicated to Lucifer. Evil bitch is the nicest thing I could say about her.

  2. Hillary said it all when she said she would continue Obozo’s legacy. That should scare the Hell out of people. I have watched for 8 years the citizens who worked to make this country great be stripped, kicked and abused in order to satiate the left’s appetite for more entitlement. This country cannot take much more.

  3. The FBI just gave Hillary a clean bill of health. She is going to play this out until November.

    Time for trump to start attacking her with more force than any republican that got in his way.

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