Gang Members Allegedly Execute Young Boy- Chicago Trims Trees To Reduce Crime – IOTW Report

Gang Members Allegedly Execute Young Boy- Chicago Trims Trees To Reduce Crime

“An innovative effort in Chicago to reduce gun violence by beautifying public spaces where shootings are most likely to occur.”

Last week, two trials began in Chicago in a horrifying case that’s become emblematic of the city’s problems with gang-related crime.

Dwight Doty and Corey Morgan — two alleged members of a faction of the Black P Stones gang known as the Bang Gang/Terror Dome — are accused of executing a 9-year-old boy whose father belonged to a rival gang.

Also last week, the Chicago Sun-Times published a story on one way Chicago is trying to stop the violence in the city.

I guess you could call it “broken trees policing.”

Taken together, the two stories demonstrate the depth of the mess in the Windy City, where officials are responding to a grave moral crisis in part by applying governmental Band-Aids. read more

15 Comments on Gang Members Allegedly Execute Young Boy- Chicago Trims Trees To Reduce Crime

  1. One of many reasons I haven’t taken my money into the city in well over a decade.

    1. We can’t carry there.
    2. The pols are bat shit crazy stupid.
    3. I don’t want to get mugged.
    4. Marshall Fields folded up shop a long while ago.

  2. Judge: Defendant. Do you have anything to say before I make my decision?

    Defendant: Yo honor, yo. I jus wanna say dat, you know, I would not have had kilt that fool if dat branch didn’t be gettin’ in my eye as I had tried to walk on the si’walk, yo honor.
    Tha shit cut me and made me go off and I just started shootin’. And no, I don’t know how that fool’s wallet got up in my pocket and I don’t know how that fool’s car got up under my ass and drove me off wit it. Thas how I ended up here inna deciduous system. I’m jus a victim of circumbranch.

  3. Where are all the tree huggers on this? This is so ridiculous that you can’t even parody Joyce Kilmer’s poem Trees with this absurd nonsense. What are they going to do next, use Agent Orange to defoliate all the trees so that the gang bangers can have clearer shooting at their victims?


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