Gannett, America’s largest newspaper chain, announces hiring freeze and benefit cuts – IOTW Report

Gannett, America’s largest newspaper chain, announces hiring freeze and benefit cuts

Gannett, America’s largest newspaper chain, has announced a hiring freeze, alongside a string of other benefit reductions and cost-cutting measures intended to save the firm from financial ruin. more

19 Comments on Gannett, America’s largest newspaper chain, announces hiring freeze and benefit cuts

  1. The News Buffoon moved into a multi acre campus with palatial office complete with gymnasium, gorgeous meeting rooms and offices anyone would be proud to occupy in IIRC 1984. FWIW, all of the hoopla and horse shit surrounding that has been disappeared from the internet recently. Their current windowless offices are in what was the receiving bay/overstock room of a defunct athletic store in a strip mall. Fuck the bastards right in their ear, I hope they can’t even afford that and end up under a blue tarp with the rest of the fuckers they give a shit about.

  2. So lies, half truth, propaganda, govmint handouts, and being a slave to the DNC didn’t pay the bills? Wow, what a shoddily run company. Here is to hoping their employees lose their homes and lifestyles.

  3. The News Buffoon Founded 1883
    Headquarters 1950 South State Street Tacoma, Washington 98405 United States

    They even lie about that. Do a Google Earth lookup and it is obvious why their buddy at Snopes, also located in Tacoma, has not bothered to fact check this.

    The lying sacks of shit have long since moved here:
    2602 S. 38th St. Ste A, PMB # 3, Tacoma, WA 98409

    and the root cause of this move? They are lying sacks of shit and everyone knows it.

  4. I used to enjoy The Cincinnati Enquierer. It had a conservative editor and was a full-sized paper and had a pretty much wide open editorial section both in the actual paper and online.

    Then Gannett bought them out, along with a whole bunch of other papers in 2004, after Congress changed a law in 2003 controlling how many newspapers one company could own, based on the theory that newspapers were simply not that influential any more.

    They started printing the paper in another city, shut down most operations in Cincinnati proper, and forced all the editors to re-apply for the jobs they were already doing and – of course – accepted only the liberal ones.

    They shrunk the paper to a postage stamp and made it unreadable, and online comments were heavily censored if they didn’t back the liberal slant of the paper. They then went to a Facebook sign-in and that was me out then and forevermore, as I’m guessing many others did as well.

    No loss, they had pretty much destroyed it by that point anyway. The paper was more generic and less local than USA Today by then. you may as well called it “The Washington New York Times Post That Happens To Be Sold In Cincinnati, “All Liberal Lies, All The Time”” for both its structure and content and its lack of anything approaching local interests other than the sportsball teams.

    The original ownership of the paper, Scripps-Howard, printed on the masthead of every edition “Give Light And The People Will Find Their Own Way” as their motto, and meant it.

    Gannett’s motto seemed to be “Keep Them In The Dark And Feed Them Shit Until Mushrooms Grow In Their Brains”.
    Because that’s what THEY did, and still do.

    Couldn’t happen to a bigger bunch of print media assholes. They deserve to suffer the economic losses they’ve foisted on us all. It won’t change anything as Communists aren’t motivated by making money but by breaking people and they will ceratinly be funded to continne THAT, but at least some of their leftist cadres are finding out just how little their opinions are actually worth today.

    Fuck ’em. May they die of starvation in the middle of a blowjob when a bum rapes them orally. Considering the lies they spewed to bring us all here, they deserve no less.

  5. I gave up the paper when opinions started appearing on the front page and real news was relegated to the Opinion pages. Then, opinion pages turned into leftist propaganda.

  6. Gannett began its slide downhill some years back when they publicized the names and addresses of women and children who were victims of domestic abuse. Many of those abused women carried legal firearms to protect themselves and kids from their abusers. Gannett believed it was issuing a “public service” due to its anti-gun and pandering position by exposing these women to their vicious abusers.

  7. Dear Gannett/USA Today, et al,

  8. Memo to Staff:

    Dear staff, due to the recent economic downturn in the economy there has been a significant reduction in the purchase & ownership of pet birds from parakeets all the way to Full Ass Parrots & Macaws.

    As a result, demand for our Cage Lining products has declined and our sales are the “Shits”, pardon the ill timed humour.

    Our efforts to increase use of our fine products to help light Charcoal Briquettes for Barbecues is also suffering a down turn due to the unaffordability of Meats & the recent move towards Soy & Artificial Goo which does not benefit from the act of BBQ.

    As a result of these market forces, your employment will no longer be required in the near future.

    However, Kindly remain in contact with our HR department as we are exploring an exciting new market for our Fine Paper Products, as we have noticed that more and more homeless people are regularly using our products as personal insulation under their clothing and, where culturally acceptable, as cost effective ASS WIPE.


    The management of a Dead & untrustworthy medium.

  9. @Anonymous October 13, 2022 at 2:03 pm

    > Gannett began its slide downhill some years back when they publicized the names and addresses of women and children who were victims of domestic abuse.

    When the tards disparage the stupid. It’s. Just. Sad.

  10. Two-bit CXKRZ slowly going down the drain

    AW, what a shame

    Did they ever think what could have been


    instead of cheaply manipulating them ?

    instead of being the propangda arm of


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