Gary Johnson promises to lay off the weed as president – IOTW Report

Gary Johnson promises to lay off the weed as president

WT: Libertarian presidential nominee and admitted marijuana user Gary Johnson has promised to lay off the substance if he’s elected president.

The former governor of New Mexico told The Hill during a Facebook Live interview Monday that he used marijuana recreationally “as recently as a month ago,” but he vowed to abstain for the rest of his campaign and during his presidency if he should win.

“The notion of getting that call at midnight or two o’clock — I think people need to really believe that there will be a firm voice on the other side,” he said.  MORE

17 Comments on Gary Johnson promises to lay off the weed as president

  1. I hear conservatives that don’t like Trump call into AM radio weekly and claim they will vote for Johnson because he more aligns with their beliefs. I don’t think they have any idea what went on at the Libertarian convention, what they talked about, think is important or how they view the world. Marijuana, government conspiracies, open borders, chemtrails….

  2. Patrick Henry, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, etc would have been mortified by what their grand vision has devolved into.

    It’s not only embarrassing, it’s dangerous. I can’t fight off this feeling of impending doom. The world is getting more menacing and we’re not a serious people anymore.

  3. I wonder if he has ever tried quitting.
    Most pot addicts can’t do it. It’s easy at first because it takes 60-90 days before the person stops being under the influence of the drug, but once THC levels start getting low and reality starts creeping back psychological issues manifest themselves that draw the addict back.

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