Gary Johnson: ‘Religious freedom, as a category’ is ‘a black hole’ – IOTW Report

Gary Johnson: ‘Religious freedom, as a category’ is ‘a black hole’

WaExaminer: PHILADELPHIA At the Democratic National Committee I ran into Gary Johnson, the former New Mexico governor and Libertarian Party nominee for president. Here’s a transcript of our conversation, edited for clarity, and reorganized thematically.


Do you think New Mexico was right to fine the photographer for not photographing the gay wedding?

“Look. Here’s the issue. You’ve narrowly defined this. But if we allow for discrimination — if we pass a law that allows for discrimination on the basis of religion — literally, we’re gonna open up a can of worms when it come stop discrimination of all forms, starting with Muslims … who knows. You’re narrowly looking at a situation where if you broaden that, I just tell you — on the basis of religious freedom, being able to discriminate — something that is currently not allowed — discrimination will exist in places we never dreamed of.”

Can the current federal RFRA be applied to protect things like the wedding photographer and the Little Sisters of the Poor?

“The problem is I don’t think you can cut out a little chunk there. I think what you’re going to end up doing is open up a plethora of discrimination that you never dreamed could even exist. And it’ll start with Muslims.”

In a year when conservatives are being turned off from Donald Trump, do you worry that you’re turning off conservatives who might come to the Libertarian Party?

“It’s the right message, and I’m sideways with the Libertarian Party on this…. My crystal ball is you are going to get discriminated against by somebody because it’s against their religion. Somehow you have offended their religion because you’ve walked in and you’re denied service. You.”

You think it’s the federal government’s job to prevent—

“Discrimination. Yes.”


19 Comments on Gary Johnson: ‘Religious freedom, as a category’ is ‘a black hole’

  1. Well, then I guess ‘The Constitution, as a category’ is ‘a black hole’

    Kids, don’t do drugs like this guy does on a daily basis. See what just smoking pot can do to a brain?

  2. Do you think Hillary Clinton circumvented public-records laws—

    “So many others have attached themselves to this issue. I don’t think there was criminal intent on her part. But so many others have looked at this and will continue to look at this, and I just don’t need to devote any time in it whatsoever.”

    Have mercy. Is this guy ever NOT stoned?

  3. “… something that is currently not allowed …”
    By Whom?

    I “discriminate” when I choose Rhine over Riesing.
    I “discriminate” when I choose Rib Eye over Chuck.
    I “discriminate” when I choose Gatorade over PowerAde.
    I “discriminate” when I choose sex with my wife over sex with myself.
    I “discriminate” when I choose Republican over Demonrat.
    I “discriminate” when I choose my friends.
    I “discriminate” when I choose my enemies.
    I “discriminate” when I choose Metamucil over a Fleet Enema.
    I “discriminate” when I choose my Doctor.
    I “discriminate” when I choose to donate to iOTWReport over the ACLU.

    How bout you go fuck yourself?

    To whom does the business belong?

    As a plumber (way back when) I could “discriminate” against lawyers (because their normal reply, when asked for payment, was “Sue me”).

    So, how bout you go fuck yourself – again.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “And it’s kind of like the death penalty. Do I favor the death penalty? Theoretically I do, but when you realize that there’s a 4 percent error rate, you end up putting guilty people to death.” Isn’t that the idea?

  5. Man, this guy is a loony tune. Most of the Libertarian platform, I agree with, except the open borders crap. Their problem is that they never have any people who are worth a damn to advance their platform.

  6. “you are going to get discriminated against by somebody because it’s against their religion.”
    Already happening, Gary. Plus, those religions don’t need a church building to exist.

  7. Thank you Fur for putting this article up on the site. After the reporter’s question about the role of the Federal Gov’t in preventing discrimination, there is this exchange that is a beaut:

    ” “Discrimination. Yes.”

    In all cases?

    “Yes, yes, in all cases. Yes. And you’re using an example that seems to go outside the bounds of common sense. But man, now you’re back to public policy.

    And it’s kind of like the death penalty. Do I favor the death penalty? Theoretically I do, but when you realize that there’s a 4 percent error rate, you end up putting guilty people to death. ”

    I could write an article about what I have found out about Gov. Johnson but I will keep my impressions to a minimum. First of all, anyone involved in politics should not have ( I have to make this in explicit, caps ) ” SOLITARY, ISOLATED CONTACT WITH THE MEDIA UNLESS THEY HAVE A TAPE RECORDER OR CAMCORDER TO RECORD THE CONVERSATION! ” Just look at what the media has done.

    Are there any areas, ideas, concepts or anything where the Libertarians will not agree with the Democrats (besides supposedly taxes?) No, they are only liberals who want to smoke dope and get high all day. In the conversation that I highlighted, He says that for capital punishment, you have a 4 percent error rate of putting guilty people to death. Just let that sink in.

    Ok, if government is to prevent discrimination, where is the prevention of discrimination against Christianity? How many times has Hollywood or popular culture done something to make a disparate impact on Christianity? Take Ronnie Dio’s album, Holy Diver and tell me that would not offend anyone if it had an Imam or Rabbi as the one the Demon was throwing into the drink!

    Seriously, this guy is an idiot.

    Trump forever.

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