Gas and Oil: Anywhere But Here – IOTW Report

Gas and Oil: Anywhere But Here

Powerline-The Biden administration’s energy policies could not possibly be less coherent. The administration, from its first day in office, moved aggressively to suppress fossil fuel production in the U.S. The inevitable result has been a sharp rise in the prices of oil and gas. Having caused the problem, the administration has now set out to remedy it by buying gas and oil wherever it can be found–from Russia, notwithstanding the Ukraine invasion; from Saudi Arabia; and most recently from Venezuela.

Joe Biden is frantically searching the globe to see if anyone but Texas might have some spare oil.

And the Babylon Bee has a modest proposal that makes sense in the bizarre world of Joe Biden: “Biden Sells Alaska Back To Russia So We Can Start Drilling For Oil There Again.”

No discussion of incoherence would be complete without a contribution from Kamala Harris. She explains that $4 a gallon gas is part of a grand plan to “transition” transportation–a plan that has now reached a “turning point.” As always, the Democrats want expensive gas but don’t want to take political responsibility for expensive gas: read more

13 Comments on Gas and Oil: Anywhere But Here

  1. The funniest part of it all to me is all these countrys laughing in the biden admins face when we ask them all to increase their output for our benefit. The clueless idiots can’t figure out that when Trump policy made global oil prices drop/stabilize that put all the peoples we are asking for help in a bind. And now they think they are going to help us because climate change? lol

  2. Fuel prices will be the end of the Democrat party. Lights are going on every where in dimly lit minds. Fucking Joe and company finally screwed around long enough they found the hot button. So if you run into one of these dim bulbs, that are now spitting mad, tell them, There is no such thing as man made global warming. This is all ruse ti make Al Gore richer.

  3. Those smug fuggin leftists thought we were chanting Let’s Go Brandon (which = FJB) because we are crass and suggestible.

    They are discovering clearly that we knew Shitpants is a weaponized bomb of STUPIDITY that the Human Race may not survive.

  4. Brad – A lot of people hopped on tha gravy train, not just Fat Albert! They have used that vehicle to rake in trillions over the years and are now using it as a weapon to beat the United States and the West in general with

  5. The democrat energy plan as authored by spoiled teenage girls and promiscuous flaming faggots:

    1. No fossil fuels.

    2. No natural gas.

    3. No nukes.

    4. Only wind and solar as energy sources (for the little people). The ruling class still gets gas, diesel, NG, and JetA for their cars, homes, yachts, and private jets.

    5. You’ll own nothing and be happy. (not a prediction but a slavemaster’s order).

  6. Biden is nothing more than a figurehead, as is Harris. This is Obama’s third term — and he was nothing more than a figurehead. The puppet masters are responsible for this. There is also an array of useful idiots in the mix, some less incompetent than others.

    If what the Biden administration, The Dems and their enablers are saying seems out of touch, it is because they have to stay on schedule, to hold to the script. They lost over five years with Trump.

    I don’t think either Biden or Harris were meant to finish their term. They were proof that the machine could get anyone elected — and do anything they want. The script will not be interrupted again! … at least that is their intention. Perhaps we plebes can teach them to treat us as more than an abstract?


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