Gas prices insane under President Basement Dummy; Hit $10 in parts of California – IOTW Report

Gas prices insane under President Basement Dummy; Hit $10 in parts of California


As inflation skyrockets in America, gas prices under President Joe Biden are reaching an all-time high causing havoc for working Americans.

Since Biden took office, the price for a gallon has doubled.

At that time, the average gallon of gas ran you $2.39, but as of Saturday, that same gallon now costs $4.81, according to AAA.

In Mendocino, California, a Chevron gas station was seen charging nearly $10 for a gallon of regular gas on Friday.

That price is even up to five cents from Friday alone as Republicans continue to hammer the current administration on the pinch at the pump. MORE

41 Comments on Gas prices insane under President Basement Dummy; Hit $10 in parts of California

  1. Patronis June 6, 2022 at 10:18 am

    Good. I hope it hits $1000 a gallonā€¦IN CALIFORNIA!

    Be careful what you wish for, that fresh tomato is going to cost you $500.

  2. When you analyze this administration under the “Democrats hate people, and especially poor people” standard, everything makes sense.

  3. My daughter works customer service for a cell service provider. She told a customer they would have to go to the store to exchange her phone. The woman began to cry. The store is 45 miles away (in CA) and gas is so expensive she can barely afford it.

    Thanks Brandon.

    Gas here in Maine has hit $5.10
    One of the poorest states in the country mind you.

  4. stop2think
    JUNE 6, 2022 AT 11:01 AM
    ” Where the hell are the Rs?”

    …playing their very well-paid role as “Controlled Opposition”.

    …then they go out drinking and carousing at pedophile rape clubs with their freinds the Democrats and the Media, and they all have a good laugh about how we STILL actually believe there are two political parties and that one of them can be a force for good…

  5. So keep in mind, when you are trying to subdue an enemy, you attack his energy, then you create or implement a famine, imprison your opponents and destroy his morale, all while fabricating every imaginable crisis to distract and destroy. In addition to all that they have been Knee-capping the next generation with Common Core, implementation of Gender dysphoria and pervert theory to the point that kids who think they are the other gender is at an all time high!
    So far democRATz have:

    1 Destroyed our Energy sources
    2 Destroyed our Military
    3 Destroyed our Foreign Policy
    4 Destroyed our Police forces
    5 Destroyed our big cities
    6 Destroyed our Southern Border
    7 Destroyed our entire Immigration process
    8 Destroyed agreements
    9 Destroyed the World’s confidence in the United States of America!
    10 Destroyed the Manufacturing Supply Chain
    11 Destroyed the Economy with raging inflation
    12 Destroyed the Dollar
    13 Destroyed employment
    14 Destroyed small businesses
    15 Destroyed food distribution centers
    16 Create a baby formula shortage crisis while making sure Illegals have plenty.
    17 Enabling school shooters and preventing the addition of school hardening.
    18 Lie about everything: “Inflation is good” “More Americans feel financially comfortable now than any time since 2013”

    You certainly don’t have to be an insurance actuary to see that we’re well past “coincidence” and you don’t have to be a member of the Mafia to see that these Leftist rat-bastards are doing everything in their power to bring the nation down to a Venezuela-like status using Cloward-Piven and Alinsky Marxist tactics while looting the treasury! Who’s the enemy???

  6. Patronis
    If gas hits $100.00 IN CALIFORNIA, it will be at Least $95.00 a gallon where you live you goof. Jenifer Granhole has decided none of us are driving internal combustion machine anymore. We’re to stupid to know whats good for us and should be thankful for her superior intellect to guide us down the right path. Fucking bitch.
    She’s also partially responsible for the coming black outs. Nation wide. The war on coal has consequences too.

  7. Also -> In some areas they are banning new Natural Gas installations, leaving the only alternative for power as electricity. I haven’t seen it mentioned yet, but eliminating the competition (gas being the competitor to electricity) will create a monopoly with run-away pricing (as if it’s not bad enough now!)

  8. As the dollar becomes Monopoly money, the price of everything rises. Read the history of the German Mark after WWI; we used to laugh at the cost to mail a letter: only a million marks – keep laughing!

  9. ^^^^^^
    But that’s not what’s causing gas to spike.
    Even if there were such a thing as man made global warming, which there’s not, China and India’s Carbon Foot Print is a size 48, while ours is a size 2. They could eliminate all of our Carbon and it wouldn’t make a bit of difference because, China and India. They know this, so whats their real agenda?

  10. stop2think: While we all know of the infestation of American RINOs, we do have to remember that Biden was installed by fraud and Gavin Newsom survived the recall vote in an election that was “decided” by 10:30 PM. If it weren’t for crooked elections, the House, the Senate, and the White House would be under Republican control.

  11. There is a growing consensus, which seems logical on its face, that with our current state of affairs; ever-growing inflation, the economy in the crapper, raging unemployment, empty shelves at supermarkets, and a middle class getting its ass kicked every day, that people will finally wake up and not vote democrat anymore. But BillJ is evidence that delusion is hard to get rid of. No matter how bad things are, the legacy media will distract, “Look over here”, and blame everything except where the blame belongs.

    Recession, depression, worthless dollars, $100 gas, people resorting to eating grass, the faithful will stay the faithful and elect the same crop of degenerates simply because they can’t figure it out.

  12. 5:19 between 5:89 in Oregon for reg.
    I could remember when for two cents less you would drive to the next gas station.
    Now 20 cents is not that big of deal.
    I got 40 bucks worth of diesel yesterday, 7 gallons, my tank is 42 plus. I keep it full.
    6×42 = an empty wallet.

  13. Thank you, always said it takes 2 to tango. No one is happy with what is happening, blame this on one man is not how we got here. 2 party system, so exactly what is the other party doing to help correct this?

  14. We were never energy independent, fool! This is a world wide problem. Wake up! This didn’t happen overnight. This was bound to happen sooner or later. Nixon started trade with Russia & China. That worked out real good.

  15. LOL. Wait, Wait, hold on.

    “. Nixon started trade with Russia & China. That worked out real good.”

    If you really believe that, you’re a Trump guy. He’s America first, the only person that didn’t identify as a globalist that ran. Nixon was a Globalist. Globalist are connected to the elites and the Neocons. Trump wasn’t. That’s why the stole the election he was costing them to much money. Trump’s the only president to go after China on trade. And why they are suffering today. See, you’re one of us. LOL


    Thr “R”s are the problem out West! The man with the most “Featured Speakers” at the DNC was GWB. One of those leftist “R”s was a liberal so farto the left she made Gruesom seem conservative! the left “R” are the problem.

    33 years ago GHWB sent a Cuban Commie “R” out West to politically assassinate all conservatives in the top 3 levels of the Cal GOP. Sununu was a great NeoCommie hit man. His Neo Commie son is Gov in the East

    There have only been liberals/NeoCommies leading the Cal
    GOp since 1992. Had Ronny not come out to help Pete another ‘Brown would have been Gov. The GOP left wanted the Brown girl – his sis Kate – over a conservative ! And they have worked hard – like Mitch (“R” are part of the problem in DC!) – to keep the left in power!
    They be “Rs; but they be Ronny hating “Bush Rs”!

    Had Bush not sent Sununu Cal would still be conservative. A night and day diff!

    If I sound mad I am mad as Hell!

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