Gaslighting: Cuomo Lies and Deflects in First Presser After Nursing Home Scandal Breaks Through – IOTW Report

Gaslighting: Cuomo Lies and Deflects in First Presser After Nursing Home Scandal Breaks Through


Scandal-plagued New York Governor Andrew Cuomo held a press conference yesterday afternoon in which he addressed the controversies engulfing his administration. It’s difficult to know how or where to even begin the process of fact-checking his astoundingly dishonest performance. As it unfolded, conservative writer Seth Mandel asked, “Has Cuomo said anything in this presser so far that isn’t an outright lie? Not yet, far as I can tell.” Upon its conclusion, Fox News meteorologist Janice Dean – who lost both of her in-laws in New York nursing homes, and who has been sneered at by Cuomo’s boorish Praetorian guard – tweeted incredulously, “After that complete BS of a press conference, I’m at a loss for words.” Indeed. Consider the following arguments and assertions. After complaining that this scandal has arisen from a “toxic political environment,” Cuomo set out to deny that anything we know about the situation isn’t real. Hardcore, textbook gaslighting: read more

16 Comments on Gaslighting: Cuomo Lies and Deflects in First Presser After Nursing Home Scandal Breaks Through

  1. All of this pandemic gaslighting and anti-Trump bullshit knocked my common sense off track, and today a moment of humbling for me got be back to thinking straight again:

    I parked outside a UPS store to get on their wifi for a bit, car facing the store but a few rows away from the door. A large Ford pickup pulled up, and maneuvered to back in to the disabled spot at the door. It was a young guy, probably mid-20s. I thought to myself, “wow, that asshole just took a spot from some little old lady who may really need it.”

    After about a minute, the young man stepped out. Two prosthetic legs, and one prosthetic arm. If I had been thinking clearly, maybe I would have noticed the Purple Heart emblem on the plate.

    I am truly humbled this evening. God bless our great veterans.

  2. Now that it’s clear Emperor Cuomo has killed twice as many people he certainly deserves another Emmy.
    I saw a great pic on Instagram with Cuomo looking super demonic (an easy task for him) sitting alone at a table, grinning and eating meatballs. Someone commented, “I love eating at the nursing home. This place used to be packed but now it’s really easy to get a table!”

  3. Despicable and infuriating, but not in the least surprising. He’s all in, and has no choice but to keep on lying and denying even as the likelihood of successfully pulling off his evil deceit dwindles to zero.

    He should do the honorable thing but there isn’t one single honorable molecule in his body. Not one.

  4. This will add to his cache’ among followers of the progressive movement. The progressive movement is totally invested in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death. This guy epitomizes what they aspire to.

    The fact they have weaponized empathy and feign compassion at every opportunity to advance a political philosophy that has a documented history during the last century of being the motivating force behind the most efficient engines of genocidal slaughter should tell any honest observer everything they need to know regarding their designs.

  5. “Has Cuomo said anything in this presser so far that isn’t an outright lie?”

    “Has Cuomo said anything EVER that isn’t an outright lie?”

    Fixed it for ya.

    izlamo delenda est …

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