Gates Admits ‘Climate Crisis’ Narrative Hoax – IOTW Report

Gates Admits ‘Climate Crisis’ Narrative Hoax

Envolve: Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has admitted that “climate crisis” prophecies of doom are a hoax.

In a major U-turn, climate alarmist Gates backtracked and confessed that “global warming” does not have apocalyptic consequences.

Gates reportedly told a group of his fellow globalist green agenda advocates that the “climate doom” narrative has now become so exaggerated that the public now sees right through the charade.

The admission from Gates is a major shift for the billionaire who has been a leading proponent of the “climate emergency” narrative. more here

21 Comments on Gates Admits ‘Climate Crisis’ Narrative Hoax

  1. Included in the article is this shit ton load of lunacy:

    The billionaire also weighed in on his controversial plans to chop down trees to “fight climate change.” As Slay News reported, Gates is funding a new effort that seeks to chop down a staggering 70 million acres of trees in an effort to allegedly “fight global warming.”

    Gates’s organization, Breakthrough Energy, has plowed $6.6 million into the project led by Kodama Systems. The move will see 70m acres of forests, mostly in the Western United States, cut down. After the trees have been chopped down, they will be buried. According to the project organizers, “scientists” say “burying trees can reduce global warming.” Kodama claims that burying the trees will prevent them from allegedly “spewing” carbon back into the air.

    “Are we the science people or are we the idiots?” [Gates] said in response to those who suggest planting more trees is good for the environment.

  2. My wedding present from my husband was to move wherever I wanted within the state of Illinois. I made my choice and I have witnessed first hand the lies, fraud and hypocrisy people are willing to perpetrate. Liars. Frauds. Hypocrites. Dang, the human condition IS our greatest disadvantage! As a little kid I came home from school fearing for another little ice age thanks to Weekly Reader. The 1970’s telling me we’re gonna freeze and 2010’s we’re gonna melt and now we are gonna … pffft. Piss off Bill Gates.

  3. These criminals know that their scams are now on full display, and they are trying to position themselves for some kind of “redemption”.
    Sorry assholes, that’s the Lord’s department, and the far majority of humanity you’ve tried to kill,ain’t too forgiving at the moment

  4. There are books by a Greenpeace founder and now dropout, Patrick Moore, one is — “Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom” — intensely researched and cited. I am reading it now. It’s too bad no one in the panic and catastrophe crowd will read it.

  5. If it was a real claim, why was the acusers claim pulled? Fake?
    Of course it was. While many don’t like him, he targeted by those who are lil ones with no life, no future & no life.

  6. I read somewhere that the idiot released two billion genetically modified mosquitoes.
    Shortly after reading that we are bombarded in my part of the state of Michigan with mosquito swarms like I’ve never experienced before. They even are out in the sun on hot days which I find unusual. And they are tiny little buggers and bug spray doesn’t seem to deter them.

  7. Krazy Klimate Kooks™ are trying to switch the C02 bullshit narrative to Methane now because most people know C02 is PLANT FOOD. It isn’t flying.

    Um, the by-products of burning Methane (Natural Gas, a completely sustainable gas that can be produced by fermenting plants BTW) are C02 and WATER VAPOR.


  8. Maybe the Chinks should be up all America’s farmland, cause they are. You have better solutions, tell us. But of course you do not. It so easy to sit back & complain & do nothing. If he didn’t try who would? Warren Buffett has left his entire fortune to the Bill Gates foundation, not his children. He is a fool too, not quite poor one. But his Children will be better off, read on this & learn.

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