Gates Admits To Stealing From Paul Manafort During Testimony – IOTW Report

Gates Admits To Stealing From Paul Manafort During Testimony

DC: Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort’s former business partner Rick Gates admitted in court Monday to stealing “several hundred thousand” dollars from Manafort while committing financial fraud on his behalf.

Gates, who also served as a Trump campaign aid, acknowledged a number of crimes during his testimony in Alexandria, including failing to disclose 15 foreign accounts to the federal government “at Mr. Manafort’s direction.” Gates previously interned for Manafort at the lobbying firm Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly and continued to work for Manafort when he left the firm in 2006, reports CNN.

The testimony comes after Gates agreed in February to cooperate with special counsel Robert Mueller in the tax and bank fraud trial of Manafort.  keep reading

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And From Breitbart:

Rick Gates Testifies Against Former Mentor Paul Manafort in Special Counsel Trial.

Manafort joined the Trump campaign on March 26, 2016, as the campaign’s GOP convention manager. By that time, he had worked on several Republican presidential campaigns, including those of Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and Bob Dole.

Manafort served as candidate Donald Trump’s campaign chairman from June 2016 through August 2016. Gates came along with Manafort and managed to snag a different campaign job after Manafort left, as the campaign’s liaison to the RNC. Trump reportedly disliked Gates.  MORE

10 Comments on Gates Admits To Stealing From Paul Manafort During Testimony

  1. “Say what you want about Manafort, but Rick Gates is a psycho. ”

    What illegal activity Gates admitted to today was stealing from Manafort. But the crowd went wild anyway. Fucking amazing.

  2. That’s the funny part. If he’s stealing millions from Manafort and other people, turned in false reports, then who is to say he’s not lying about what Manafort told him to do? There has to be someone other than Rick Gates, a known liar and embezzler, to testify against Manafort. It’s heresay and it’s Lame!

  3. “Lame!”
    Waaaaaay past lame. Manoforts spent how much time locked up because of the cxck sxcker Mueller. I pray Manofort gets off and hit Mueller with the biggest civil suit known to man. Break that bitch hard.

  4. Mueller should have been sued every year starting 30 years ago and been barred from any federal jobs for railroading people.
    Trump should have never put Sessions in charge of anything in leadership.
    A smart man would have cleared out the entire DOJ and put in anybody with a law degree from a third world country if he had to just to clear that part of the swamp. lol.

    I’m interested in hearing Sundance’s take on this.
    He always has info the media doesn’t.

  5. “Mueller should have been sued every year starting 30 years ago”

    Absolutely. Except there’s three or four of the little bitches that think they can run amok (now that’s a word a rarely use) of our laws. Talk to Rod Blagojevich, he’ll tell you exactly who they are. Freaken Nazis.

  6. Blago is a bigger idiot than I gave him credit for. lol. All this time and he still refuses to snitch on 0bama. Does he think he’s getting a check for his troubles? Is he going to be made the 0bama library director?


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