Gavin McInnes: 10 Jobs That Are Bullsh*t – IOTW Report

Gavin McInnes: 10 Jobs That Are Bullsh*t

From 2017 – (LANGUAGE WARNING) Gavin McInnes says these 10 jobs contribute nothing to society and the economy.

14 Comments on Gavin McInnes: 10 Jobs That Are Bullsh*t

  1. “Social” workers and organizers are my nominations as useless parasites (at least occupational therapists sometimes can be useful).

  2. Fireman?!! Really? According to Gavin, unless they’re volunteer fireman, they’re useless. I guess my car insurance is useless because I pay for it and haven’t made a claim in many years. But one of these days…..

  3. Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Social Workers, Gender Specialists, Divorce Court Judges, Democrat Party Staffers, MSMBC Reporters and Staff!, Democrat Media Obama, staff, and supporters, Etc!

  4. Gavin has been slipping in relevance for quite a while and so he tries to make up for that by saying outrageous things that are supposed to sound edgy and “make you think”. They only make you think he’s not thinking. Too much sardonic hipster douche bag in that one.

  5. Gavin has some original thoughts on parenthood, but the RAUNCHY sexist factor on his podcast, GET OFF MY LAWN, turns me off.
    His daddy/baby wrestling match was hilarious.

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