Gavin Newsom, in Recall Hole, Keeps Digging – IOTW Report

Gavin Newsom, in Recall Hole, Keeps Digging


California Governor Gavin Newsom gave his “State of the State” address last night and decided he wasn’t giving his opponents and advocates for his recall enough ammunition. So he obliged them by choosing to frame his campaign for “equity” as a question of not going back to “normal” when the pandemic ends because “normal accepts inequity.”

Telling people that things will not “return to normal” after what they’ve been through is not a way to win friends and influence voters. It is, in fact, another reason to sign a recall petition and vote the incompetent governor out of office.

Associated Press:

The governor further explained his comment that “normal accept inequity” by elaborating that inequity was the reason Latinos were dying from COVID at a higher rate over any other racial or ethnic group in the state, why the poor wages of essential workers’ are not enough to live on, and why the state has seen mothers leave the workforce in dramatic numbers.

The reason those wages are not enough to live on is that your housing policies make it too expensive to live anywhere in your state. And it could be those mothers are leaving the workforce because your buddies in the teachers’ unions refuse to go back to work so the schools can open. read more

13 Comments on Gavin Newsom, in Recall Hole, Keeps Digging

  1. In my opinion, most of these democRAT governors have demonstrated what happens when they are allowed free-rein of the people with their Emergency Executive Powers! In so doing they have revealed their very-real dictatorial Leftist mentality and nonchalant willingness to collude with each other to execute the elderly in nursing homes! Telling people that things will not “return to normal” is simply their attempt to hold onto this power for as long as they can! This needs to be stopped NOW and their trials can’t begin soon enough!

  2. “Inequity” could define as a lot of different things in a lot of different ways, but I doubt it means the same to the Him as it does to me.

    It’s just another one of those words that politicians love to use that let everyone hear what they want to hear without saying what it really means.

  3. …he’s not worried.
    His Aunt Nancy already told the Dominion guy to make sure the recall fails.

    …she’s chosen to switch 2/3rds of the votes this time, just ’cause her Gav Gav is so “down”…

  4. Mojo56
    MARCH 11, 2021 AT 11:39 AM
    “Awesome campaign slogan: “We’re never returning to normal!””

    …well, why not? Just to the North, candidates always run successful “Keep Portland Weird” campaigns and get elected time and again…

    …how’s that working out for them, anyway?

    …yep, looks pretty weird, all right…

  5. In case you didn’t know, this guy is California Blue Blood Royalty. It’s his destiny to lead. It was expected of him. The problem is, he’s dumber than a box of rocks. I mean, the man is stupid.

  6. Brad
    MARCH 11, 2021 AT 12:29 PM
    “In case you didn’t know, this guy is California Blue Blood Royalty. It’s his destiny to lead. It was expected of him. The problem is, he’s dumber than a box of rocks. I mean, the man is stupid.”

    …Royalty tends to breed only with other royalty, so the gene pool ends up incestuously thin. Inbreeding in Pelosi, just as in Muslims, gives you two things;
    1) stupid
    2) violent

    …the only difference between Ahmed Goatsbidai and Gavin Newsome in that respect is that Gavin has people to do the violence FOR him. As a result, the damage HE does is FAR more widespread and much, MUCH worse…


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