Gavin Newsom: ‘We’ve Accomplished So Much in California’ over Past Decade – IOTW Report

Gavin Newsom: ‘We’ve Accomplished So Much in California’ over Past Decade

Breitbart: California Governor Gavin Newsom congratulated his state in a tweet on New Year’s Day that claimed: “We’ve accomplished so much in CA by standing up for our values and taking on some of the biggest issues.”

Gavin Newsom✔@GavinNewsom

Happy New Year! What an incredible decade. We’ve accomplished so much in CA by standing up for our values and taking on some of the biggest issues — from healthcare to gun violence to climate change.

Let’s keep it going.

Here’s to 2020 and the decade ahead!!

It is not clear what accomplishments Newsom was citing, but he claimed credit for “taking on” the following issues:

  • Health care: California is hardly leading the nation in health care, but became the first to offer free health care to illegal aliens last year, covering low-income individuals under age 25. The state legislature also considered expanding free health care to illegal aliens over 65 years old, paid for entirely by the state’s own taxpayers. MORE HERE

23 Comments on Gavin Newsom: ‘We’ve Accomplished So Much in California’ over Past Decade

  1. What a silly little boy. He has accomplished the massive flight of the last adults in that state to pack up and get out of the once golden state.

    You’re state is junk.

    Once California has no internal funding we may decide to repatriate ourselves. But it might require a decade or more.

    Y’all did this to yourselves.

    Shut up and take your medicine.

  2. Ca also passed a law along the lines of you can’t use more than 55 gallons of water a day. If you do thats a $1,000 fine. The fine jumps to $10,000 if the Governor declares a state of drought. Ca has crumbling damns and ZERO plans for new ones but decided to fine it’s way out of a water shortage.

  3. So glad he’s patting his sorry self on the back for the record.

    When even the dumbest californians finally realize how bad things are, they will focus their eyes on this douche.

  4. He did everything he could to
    destroy San Francisco.


    He’s doing ditto to destroy
    the State !

    Mission Accomplished.

    Maybe California needs an air strike.
    just sayin’

  5. I started in the telco in 1996. Back then (!) there were PLENTY of pre-divestiture employees of all types. Divestiture was 1984 — mandated in ’82.

    One of the CO Technicians I worked with made the statement, “When all these Bell System guys are retired, or dead, YOU guys are going to have one hell of a row to hoe”.

    I thought I understood his statement. And I did understand it to some degree, at the time.

    What I didn’t understand was how fucking ignorant my own generation is. What I didn’t understand was how fucking blithering ignorant the NEXT generation could be.

    There was an ignorant punk in our crew who fucked up just about everything. He is intelligent, just a fucking moron. I always thought of him as a kid. I come to find out, 20 years later, that he’s one year younger than me. Even me being 43 I thought of Garth as being a child.

    Garth wasn’t the NEXT generation. He is of my generation. And he’s a fucking moron. Now look at 2020.

  6. Hey, Garth, I love you. I’ll drink a beer with you anytime. But you are a fucking moron. It’s ok. I’m a moron, too.

    But I’m not a fucking Communist. I did a lot of dumb shit… I’ll continue to do a lot of dumb shit. I’m not a fucking communist.

  7. I always thought an accomplishment wasn’t necessarily a positive thing successfully achieved, an accomplishment can also be a negative thing successfully achieved. Calif. has many negative accomplishments in recent years. So yeah , they’ve accomplished a lot over the last decade. The governor is only delusional if he believes the accomplishments were positive, or a liar if he’s claiming they’re positive, and trying to convince the public the accomplishments made living there better.

  8. Just another over in titled over privilege totally worthless liberal no account wrecking a state with his senseless politics and immigration that will destroy the ride State rotten hell

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