Gavin Newsom’s Restaurant Offers $16 Hourly Wage to Employee – IOTW Report

Gavin Newsom’s Restaurant Offers $16 Hourly Wage to Employee


Arestaurant partially owned by California Governor Gavin Newsom is recruiting for a $16-per-hour role, despite a new state law guaranteeing a minimum wage of $20 per hour for fast-food workers. The restaurant appears not to meet the threshold for the new minimum wage, a law that Newsom himself signed to much fanfare in September. more

9 Comments on Gavin Newsom’s Restaurant Offers $16 Hourly Wage to Employee

  1. “There are none so blind as those who will not see”. Calphornia politicians continue to enact rules and regulations which harm their constituents but they themselves ignore. California “voters” continue to “elect” megalomaniac scumbags, regardless of their failed policies and broken promises. It’s a shame that the recent 7.4 earthquake occurred on the wrong side of the Pacific.

  2. DFJ^^^I agree but don’t think we’ve had a honest election in at least 35 years. Look at the commies who’ve been “elected” in places like LA and Frisco over and over again. Commie Mobsters.


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