Gay Activist Known for Mocking Christians, Dressing as Nun Arrested for Public Perversion – IOTW Report

Gay Activist Known for Mocking Christians, Dressing as Nun Arrested for Public Perversion


What would happen if devout Christian men openly mocked the LGBT movement by dressing up in scanty women’s clothing and parading around in a public park?

It isn’t a fair question because devout Christians would never do such a thing. If they did, they would be considered mentally unstable and ignored. But when a group of men dress up as nuns to mock Christians, they’re invited to receive a community service award at a Los Angeles Dodgers game.

What kind of message does that send? It sends the message that anything goes, and the fake nuns take that message into their black hearts.

Take the case of 53-year-old gay activist Clinton Monroe Ellis-Gilmore, for example.

Ellis-Gilmore is a longtime member of the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” the anti-Christian group honored by the Dodgers. In August, Ellis-Gilmore was arrested in California for indecent exposure. MORE

18 Comments on Gay Activist Known for Mocking Christians, Dressing as Nun Arrested for Public Perversion

  1. This week the Dodgers wore shirts with the name Los Dodgers, I suppose in support of Mexican Independence Day.

    What does anything in the US have to do with Mexican Independence Day? Nothing I can think of. And why did the Dodgers honor a bunch of pervs at a game last August? It’s a screwed up world now. Pervs ruin everything. Now even baseball. How long before they start masturbating on the US flag in public?

    Also, calling the team Los Dodgers on their shirts is like saying Los Angeles The Dodgers in English. Doesn’t make sense at all.

  2. “Ellis-Gilmore was charged with indecent exposure, a misdemeanor on first offense, which according to California penal code can result in six months of prison time, a $1,000 fine, and a requirement to register as a sex offender.”

    My question is did he make bail / was released or was he given the opportunity to entertain the troops in lockup?

    Would it be time consuming to get to the lockup if there was some sort of disturbance and could they stand outside the cage saying, “Please stop, you might hurt the gentleman. Perhaps then give him his own cell.

  3. Crap!

    “Gilmore was taken into custody without incident. He was booked for indecent exposure and then released.”

    Best we can hope for is conviction as he would then have to register as a sex offender.

  4. | What would happen if devout Christian men
    | openly mocked the LGBT movement by dressing up
    | in scanty women’s clothing and parading
    | around in a public park?

    The Christian men would eventually be sent to time out, (i.e. purgatory,) when God calls them home.

  5. You can’t “mock” or shame perverts.
    They, themselves, are a mockery of both God and man.

    In Leviticus Moses gave us the proper response and treatment of perverts.

    That we turned our faces from God and embraced Satan brings us to this sorry pass.
    We are sacrificing our children to Satan through abortion and these perverts.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Kcir,
    Not trying to start some shit, but how is one half Christian and half Jew (Jehovah’s Witness?, Amish?, Mormon?)?
    Or did I misunderstand and half of your kids are Christians and half are Jews?

    I’m just trying to understand.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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