Gay Man Trapped in Afghanistan: Taliban Is ‘Hunting Us’ and Will Behead Us All – IOTW Report

Gay Man Trapped in Afghanistan: Taliban Is ‘Hunting Us’ and Will Behead Us All


A gay man who is trapped in Kabul, Afghanistan, gave a distressing account of what life will be like under Taliban rule.

The man, who has concealed his identity for fear of his own safety, said the extremist group is “hunting us” and plans to wipe out the LGBTQ+ community.

“They kill us very brutally,” he began.

“Not like the others who they kill with a gun or a bullet.”

“They will use fire, or they will behead or stone us, and they will enjoy it – it’s acceptable to them.”

He then described how his friend committed suicide because “no one was here to listen to his voice.”

“I tried to encourage him, to give him hope, but he’s not coming back, and I can’t forget that moment,” he added. more

34 Comments on Gay Man Trapped in Afghanistan: Taliban Is ‘Hunting Us’ and Will Behead Us All

  1. “Gay Man Trapped in Afghanistan: Taliban Is ‘Hunting Us’ and Will Behead Us All”

    ..nah, they’ll just throw you off a roof and stone your corpse if it moves after you land.

    …and THEN behead you, but you’ll already be dead so you won’t care.

    …but hey, voting Democrat got rid of those mean tweets, nicht wahr?

    At least you can take comfort in THAT as you embark on your short, wingless flight…

  2. So, what are we expected to do about this? Americans are first and always.

    Ask Biden and his Democrats to pay out-of-pocket for your escape, protection and travel.

    The blood is on his and the Democrat’s hands.

    Sleep well, Progressive Democrats!

  3. And so as it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, Lotts wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt. Then the cities met the full wrath of God. It wasn’t such a bright idea for Lotts daughters to get him drunk and seduce him. I guess incest wasn’t such a big deal back then, but being gay was. Is this gay guy a US citizen or just a gay Afgannie? He knew the rules of engagement, why is it any different now than it was 10 year ago? I don’t rally care one way or another, loose lips sink ships.

  4. Where are the militant gays, bull dykes and trannies denouncing this? Wait till this kind of shit comes to this country.

    I pray for you, but you made that lifestyle choice, so now that is the bed in which you must lie.

  5. “He then described how his friend committed suicide because “no one was here to listen to his voice.”

    “I tried to encourage him, to give him hope, but he’s not coming back, and I can’t forget that moment,””

    …sorry, but I just do not understand this mindset.

    At no point in my life have I EVER been REMOTELY concerned if there was someone to “hear my voice”, certainly NOT to the point of SUICIDE, which us GOOD because as a White Christian Straight Male I have NO voice in my current Government at ALL, but I’m not just going to conveniently kill myself for them, they wanna get rid of ME, they’re gonna have to EARN that shit.

    And that’s the OTHER thing I don’t “get” here.

    You are likely correct that they are going to come for you. They are going to murder you. They are going to kill you very painfully, because that’s what Islam DOES.

    All TRUE.

    …and your response will be to TAKE it?!?

    …you’re doomed anyway, you can’t be a LITTLE more proactive? Get together with your gay friends and, instead of touching each other’s bottoms, try to make a trip to the border? Or make bombs? Or plan to kill your killers? You know, take a few with you, die less painfully, more honorably, and perhaps buy time for your buddies to escape?


    …just gonna sit on the floor and weep, huh?

    Or kill yourself.

    If you’re really THAT unmanned, THAT cowardly, THAT useless, maybe you SHOULD die.

    …I mean, if YOU can’t be bothered to fight for your OWN life…

    …why should anyone ELSE?

    …”gay” isn’t even the problem here.

    Cowardice is.

    Fight or die. It’s your choice.

    And if you can’t man up to it,
    Perhaps you are better off dead…

  6. Extirpates August 28, 2021 at 3:42 pm

    Your going to have to pretend you straight, this could be a role to die for.

    I think that’s a pretty hard road to travel pretending you’re straight. Muzzies will make him prove it with the ugliest muzzie woman in the tribe. The kind that is too ugly to screw and that’s why they have to turn to goats. Well, that will be his challenge – to get it up and stay up with the woman. I’d pay to see that come down.

  7. Kcir (2 Faced Trudeau) August 28, 2021 at 4:13 pm

    Send Rachel Levine to sort it out.
    And take Megan Rapinoe with her. Wonder what they do to gay muzzie women?

  8. Which is worse – the savage Taliban or that bakery that wouldn’t make your wedding cake?

    Get ready – those savages plan to take over the civilized world. They don’t like gays and they don’t like women – both overwhelming voted the simpleton.

  9. Why in the world is anybody voluntarily in that awful country way? There’s not enough money in the world to get me over there. If an openly gay person is dumb enough to go over there, they get what they deserve. Americans are so spoiled and it will be our demise!

  10. The guy seems to be an Afghan. Don’t see his need to panic. Homosexuality, although not defined as such, is practiced routinely in Afghanistan. ​He can pretend he’s a warlord and carry on.

    Seriously, the solution to his problem is to asks God’s forgiveness, accept Christ as Savior and Lord – turn away from a deviant lifestyle. The Lord can make a way for his safety.
    Even if martyred as a Christian, he would spend his eternity in Heaven, not Hell.


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