Gay OnlyFans Star Claims Kamala Harris Campaign Offered $1,500 to Bash Trump on TikTok – IOTW Report

Gay OnlyFans Star Claims Kamala Harris Campaign Offered $1,500 to Bash Trump on TikTok

Breitbart: A gay OnlyFans content creator, who was approached by a left-wing agency to make an anti-Donald Trump video for a Democrat super PAC, said he refuses to “whore out” his values or “sell out for Kamala Harris.”

Michael Doherty, a 22-year-old social media influencer who posts explicit content to his OnlyFans page and more safe-for-work LGBT-related posts on Instagram, is not the average Trump fan. 

“I’m conservative-leaning. I even wear American flag underwear and shoot guns on my OnlyFans,” the Long Island native told the New York PostMORE

12 Comments on Gay OnlyFans Star Claims Kamala Harris Campaign Offered $1,500 to Bash Trump on TikTok

  1. I’m glad Mike turned them down and then spoke up.

    I’m sorry to say, though, that I can’t help but regard the wearing of U.S. flag underwear as mildly disrespectful.

  2. Frankly I think this is a great example of where democRAT campaign funding really goes – They’ve been paying for votes since the sixties with cigs, beer and wine to bums, busses for bums to polling places, propaganda, funding groups, ballot harvesting, paying people to stuff mail-in ballot boxes and paying organizers for any skullduggery they can dream up that will get them “votes”. Every year they dream up something new to defraud and pervert the process and that costs money!

  3. I’d also like to know how big their secret “stash” really is since I think a lot of federal spending (think Ukraine) gets a percentage skimmed off that goes to funding this skulduggery… but only God knows how much!!

  4. @Harry — Political machines have been around for at least a century in the U.S. Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall, and the Pendergast machine, which was in full flower during FDR and Truman, are at least two examples. The depths of their corruption and violence certainly rival the Mafia, but without the familial honor. I don’t question that the same kinds of machines are in operation today for the Democrats.

    If this stuff was still taught in our schools people would be able to easily recognize their tactics.


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