Gay YouTube Star Claims To Be Beaten In Brutal Hate Crime — Police Say He’s Lying – IOTW Report

Gay YouTube Star Claims To Be Beaten In Brutal Hate Crime — Police Say He’s Lying

DC: YouTube personality Calum McSwiggin claimed to be the victim of a brutal hate crime on Sunday, yet an investigation by the Los Angeles police revealed he likely fabricated the entire incident.

According to the New York Daily News, McSwiggin made the claim in a Monday Facebook post.

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15 Comments on Gay YouTube Star Claims To Be Beaten In Brutal Hate Crime — Police Say He’s Lying

  1. Figures. When the Libtards don’t get enough attention, or can’t move their agenda fast enough, they lie like a cheap rug.
    “Oh, but that’s acceptable to lie, we just want to put the narrative out there.”

    But that name. Calum McSwiggin? Really? REALLY? Calum been Mc-Swiggin what? Cream of Sum Yung Guy soup?
    (sometimes I just slay myself)

  2. I got so caught up in my pun, I forgot to finish my previous thought.

    “Oh, but that’s acceptable to lie, we just want to put the narrative out there.”

    Well, you may be selling, but the rest of us ain’t buying. We’ve been through this lying-for-the-sake-of-the-narrative with Libtards enough, especially recently, that now it’s seen as just another “Libtard who cried wolf once too often”.

    I can’t wait until you get beaten – for real. No one will believe you then either.

  3. They make shit up and kick their own asses just so they can get the attention that they so desperately want. They HAVE to be up in everyone’s face to further their agenda, to force everyone to publicly accept their perverse way of life, or else.

  4. Not a single bruise on his unmarked face.
    Claims he has 3 broken teeth, but absolutely no trace of swelling to jaw or even his mouth (and I don’t want to think where that’s been).

    Totally fake. And the woeful, suffering-puppy-dog look must have been practiced at home for hours.

    He’ll have some genuine marks after some Muzzies push him off a rooftop.

  5. And I’ll bet his original arrest booking photos, when he was arrested for vandalizing the car,
    show him completely unharmed (just drunk).

    That’s one reason cops take booking photos.
    Liability, and insurance against false charges by arrestees who then self-harm.

  6. The narrative is supremely virtuous. Anything that pushes the narrative along is, by definition, also virtuous. Don’t get hung up on mere facts silly readers, unless, in an horrendous, progressive faux pas, the three dudes he fingered were in a protected class. The article doesn’t say but one assumes them to be white, of course, probably practicing Christians, low intelligence, likely from the south, bigoted and totally unappreciative of the brand of diversity he brings to all our tables. The fact that he may have done it to himself is immaterial. This is the diversity we want, the diversity we need and crave. Just look at that pic. Feel the pic. THAT’s the droid you’re really looking for.

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