Gazans are openly expressing their anger with Hamas – IOTW Report

Gazans are openly expressing their anger with Hamas

DCN: While the IDF continues to provide safe corridors for civilians fleeing from Khan Yunis, Hamas operatives try to hold them back, for they are the human shields Hamas relies on to discourage IDF attacks. more here

15 Comments on Gazans are openly expressing their anger with Hamas

  1. I don’t believe it. Too many stories about how the Gazans were with Hamas and protecting Hamas during their murder of Israelis. And dancing in the street at hearing about all the murders and torture. They teach their children to hate Israelis. They are all the same.

  2. Let’s say that the Gazans get their wish and Hamas is eliminated. What will they want to replace Hamas? A secular governing body or one that continues the self-destructive Islamic Sharia policies (that spew hate against the infidels, demands the submission of Kaffirs to Islam, and brings out the worse of human tendencies). I think it’s a safe bet on which it would be.

  3. @DavidW – given that the MAJORITY of UN resolutions, for the entire world, are against Israel… it ain’t just Gaza/Palestine. It is the entire Muslim world. And, sadly, supported by a lot of the Western world.
    But… the majority of Arabs living in Israel, under Israeli law, prefer that to living in Gaza or the West Bank.


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