GE dredges the Upper Hudson River at its own expense, environmentalists still b!tching – IOTW Report

GE dredges the Upper Hudson River at its own expense, environmentalists still b!tching

How Clean Do You Want It?
GE has dredged the Upper Hudson River at its own expense, but environmental groups remain unsatisfied.
hudson river dredging GE

City Journal: Last week, General Electric announced that it had completed its legally mandated environmental-dredging project in the Upper Hudson River. Since 2009, the company has spent more than $1 billion to pull 300,000 pounds of PCB-contaminated sludge out of a 40-mile stretch of the river bottom between Fort Edward and Troy, just north of the state capital in Albany. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency declared the project a success, but not everyone is happy. Environmental groups want the company to keep cleaning—and keep paying—for a long time to come.


“We are outraged at GE’s callous disregard for the people of New York and the health of one of the country’s most precious resources, the Hudson River,” said Peter A. Gross, executive director of Clearwater, Inc., the environmental advocacy organization founded by the Communist folk singer Pete Seeger. “GE’s refusal to clean up its mess makes a mockery of its claims to be a responsible corporate citizen.”

It isn’t clear what Gross means by GE’s “callous disregard” and “refusal to clean up its mess.”  more here

12 Comments on GE dredges the Upper Hudson River at its own expense, environmentalists still b!tching

  1. If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.

    – George Orwell, 1984 , published 1949.

    Environmental communists have been trying their hardest to be those boot-wielders, and although they haven’t been stomping forever sometimes it seems that long.

  2. Hey, where’s Pete Seeger and the environmental ship The Clearwater when you need them? Pete’s dead and probably pushing up communist daisies, too bad and I used to like listening to him before I wised up and found out he was another unrepentant commie.

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