Geert Wilders Demands Explanation from US on FBI “Egging On” Jihad – IOTW Report

Geert Wilders Demands Explanation from US on FBI “Egging On” Jihad

CounterJihad: Last week, CounterJihad reported on suggestions that the FBI may have “egged on” jihadist killers who attacked a free speech protest in Garland, Texas.  The attackers were shot dead at the scene by a heroic off-duty traffic policeman.  The reports of FBI interaction with them were made public during a related trial of an alleged Islamic State (ISIS) recruiter, one Erick Hendricks.

Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch “Party for Freedom” political party, has demanded that his government pursue answers from the United States on this case.  The Dutch are interested because of similar killings by jihadists opposed to Western norms of free speech both in their country and in neighboring France.

Geert Wilders is demanding clarification from Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte on this matter. He wants to know whether it is true that an FBI agent contacted one of the terrorists and possibly egged him on. He also wants to know whether the American authorities passed FBI information on to the Dutch authorities. “If so when, and what was done with this information? If not, why not?”

“Are you prepared to ask the US immediately for clarification on these reports? If not, why not?” Wilders writes on his website. “Are you prepared to answer these questions this week?”  read more

9 Comments on Geert Wilders Demands Explanation from US on FBI “Egging On” Jihad

  1. That should be national news. But your average low information voter (aka Hillary voter) won’t know and won’t care if you take the time to try to bring them up to speed.

    Trump needs to take the hammer and anvil to Hillary and pour it on. What he did to Cruz and Jeb times 100. No mercy. Its the only way to reach the low information voter.

  2. As far as I know, so far, we are not answerable to Geert Wilders. So shove it. The libs are damned determined to turn our country into another UN socialist boondoggle.

  3. Sam you are missing the point. Gert is living under protection of his state because of the many credible death threats he has received from the over zealus sons of Allah.

    The point is he has a security team wherever he goes. He is an MP and his country is an allie of ours. It would be as if pick a Senator you are in favor of visiting a country like Belgium but going there knowing there were people in Belgium who wanted that Senator murdered. The Senator is given SS team to keep him safe while on the trip and now it turns out that the Federal police agency in Belgium taunted a cell of terrorists to murder the Senator while he was in Belgium. We would want to know who knew what when. Even if that Senator was Harry Reid.

    In short this is a big deal and it has 100% nothing to do with the UN or money going to the UN or Belgium.

  4. @Sam
    You obviously don’t know much about Wilders. He is on our side. He was also a speaker at the Garland, TX event and had left a few minutes before the jihadi jackoffs were taken out by a hero off-duty cop. Wilders has been one of the few voices of sanity in all of Europe regarding mooslimes.

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