Geller: I accuse Gloria Steinem of being a complete fraud, and that’s the least of it – IOTW Report

Geller: I accuse Gloria Steinem of being a complete fraud, and that’s the least of it

Pamela Geller: Everyone is just agog and atwitter over Gloria Steinem’s new series for Vice on “brave women.”


Vice has produced Gloria Steinem’s new series on “how violence against women drives global instability,” and it contains not one word about sharia, gender apartheid, sex slaves, or women marked for death by Islamic fatwas right here in America — in other words, not a word about Islamic law.

Vogue enthuses:

Woman’s eight-episode first season will air weekly and, per the show’s log line, will explore “how violence against women drives global instability.” As Steinem declares in a lead-in that airs at the top of each episode, “I’ve traveled the world as a writer and an activist my entire life, and I can tell you that by confronting the problems once marginalized as women’s issues, we can tackle the greatest dangers of the 21st century. Behind every major crisis, there’s an unseen factor at play, there’s a story you’ve never been told. The greatest indicator of the world’s stability, wealth, and safety is the status of women.”

How do you do a show on the status and safety of women in the world and not mention the brutal sharia, the gender apartheid under Islamic law?

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8 Comments on Geller: I accuse Gloria Steinem of being a complete fraud, and that’s the least of it

  1. If Steinem ignored Islam’s Shariah what the heck did she include?
    She lost ALL credibility anyway when she failed to condemn Slick Willy who used his position of power to abuse his female underling.

  2. Wait. . . what. . . ? Wasn’t she one of the original founders of NOW (Nat’l Organization of Woman) and the FemiNazi movement??
    Shit, I thought she’d be dead by now. And yeah, Pamela Gellar is right to call her out for the PC phoney she is, and for the incalculable damage she and her cohorts have done to western civilization.

    I wouldn’t cross the street to piss on her if she were on fire and I had a full bladder.

    But what I WOULD like to do is set up a “debate” between her and an ISIS imam. Not only would the words and sparks fly, but I’m thinking a couple of “allahu snackbars” and swords would fly too.
    You think I’d make my money back if I put it all on PPV?

  3. Don’t expect anything even remotely even-handed from Vice. It was started years ago by some lefty stoners writing about weed and computer gaming out of Montreal. They got lucky and hit the jackpot with Gen X and the following generations and pretend to be journalists.

  4. Well, to give her a little credit, she never went the facial reconstruction route so many “celebrities” go for.

    Or, maybe she just likes looking like Boris Karloff.

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