Geller: Sarah Palin Jumps the Shark – IOTW Report

Geller: Sarah Palin Jumps the Shark

uh oh shocker

Uh oh.

Breitbart: I am sure there are a great many conservatives who were deeply disappointed with Sarah Palin’s endorsement of Donald Trump Tuesday. It was hard on the ears and harder on the heart. If anything, Sarah Palin and Donald Trump made Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) look more presidential.

I do question her motives, because while Donald Trump is many things, one thing he most assuredly is not is a conservative. He isn’t. And that was always Palin’s touchstone — true conservatism. Until now.  more

42 Comments on Geller: Sarah Palin Jumps the Shark

  1. wait…… I thought Breitbart was all in for Trump?
    …kind of agree w/ Levin on this… Palin’s thumbing her nose at the RINO Establishment that knifed her in the back

  2. Agree with Pamela Geller. On this forum, years ago, when I first landed at IOTW, I wrote about how she had ended her political career by quitting her job as governor and then becoming a TV personality.

    I was attacked, accused of being a moron, a troll. Liberal, Larry was around then and I was accused of being LL.

    Told ya so.

    neener neener

  3. I think everybody is reading too much into everything. If Sarah Palin endorsed Cruz instead, the Cruzbots would be insufferable with their celebrating. And the Trumpsters would be slamming her.

    Trust me. After Iowa, nobody is talking about Sarah Palin anymore. Not even in New Hampshire.

  4. Palin is an America first populist, so why shouldn’t she endorse Trump?

    What many seem to ignore is that a very, very big part of being POTUS is openly promoting America (nationalism) and rallying the people behind America (populism).

    I honestly don’t get why people object to her making a living with the hand fate dealt her in the land of opportunity. Has she stopped promoting American interests? Has she stopped promoting family values?

    Yes, she quit the governorship when endless lawsuits threatened to leave her ineffective and financially ruined.

    But, you know what, I voted for her while hoping the excitement of winning would put McCain in the ground right away. I liked the fact that she openly praised America and had a kid in uniform just like I did at the time.

    It’s amazing how many “conservatives” bray about the TEA party requiring “purity tests” only to dump on folks like Palin. Those who do should seriously look around at the company they’re in.

  5. I remember people like Krauthammer calling her a “populist” back in the day, but she also used to espouse the Constitution and “time-tested truths” evident to the Founders as well as those of us living now. She chucked all that with support for Trump. He wouldn’t know the Constitution if it bit him in the ass. He’s another “pen and phone” type.

  6. Sarah Palin had to quit the job because she was flooded with frivolous lawsuits and couldn’t do her job as Governor anymore.
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    Mr. Pinko accepts the fact that he may be fired at a moment’s notice.

  7. I don’t anymore. She backed the guy we know see hints that the GOP establishment prefers over Cruz. That isn’t computing for me. Either she believes Trump is for real, or she too has somehow finally been compromised. I do not buy this whole “middle finger to the GOP” thing. By any measure, Cruz appears a much bigger flipped bird than Trump.

    Or…she doesn’t trust Cruz and figures Trump – himself not 100% trustworthy – is the best bet.

    Who knows. Won’t matter in the end. The Democrat will be the next president.

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