Geller: Slate Puts Mother of 5-Year-Old Rape Victim on Trial – IOTW Report

Geller: Slate Puts Mother of 5-Year-Old Rape Victim on Trial

Breitbart: Slate magazine on Sunday published “If You Want to Live Here, You Need to Live by the Rules Here,” a 5,000-plus word exposition of the Muslim migrant rape case in Twin Falls, Idaho. Author Michelle Goldberg subtitles her piece: “A sexual assault case involving refugee children in Idaho. A microcosm of America in the age of Trump.” That tells you all you need to know: Goldberg and Slate are using this case to demonize opposition to the Democrats’ suicidal policies regarding Muslim migrants.

Goldberg doesn’t care about the five-year-old rape victim in Twin Falls in the slightest degree. In fact, throughout her lengthy piece and in texts with the victim’s mother, she puts this little girl and her family on trial.

Goldberg’s agenda is further exposed by the fact that throughout her wordy article, she doesn’t deign to include a full description of the attack itself. The closest Golberg comes to this is her account of the victim’s mother’s brief description of the video that the attackers took while they were raping the girl: “Her fiancé, she said, told her it showed oral sex as well as their daughter being urinated on.” But Goldberg follows this with prosecuting attorney Grant Loebs waxing “indignant at all the misrepresentations still swirling around about the case. ‘I’m a lifelong conservative Republican, and the behavior of the right-wing alternative press on this is atrocious.’” Loebs’ own dishonesty I have shown in a previous article.


11 Comments on Geller: Slate Puts Mother of 5-Year-Old Rape Victim on Trial

  1. Open season on Muzzies could very well start in Twin Falls. I can’t see most of that population putting up with much more. I’ll be sure and read Michelle Goldberg piece after that happens. Stupid bitch.

  2. When the lawful authorities won’t take the proper actions due to PCness, it’s time for the sovereign citizen to stand up and take their own action. Even if it’s “vigilante” action from the shadows. I’m surprised no one in Twin Falls has started to do that. Break windows. Paint ball. Slashed tires. Break hands. It’s known who the offending family is, and where they live.
    The muzzies love to claim “lone wolf”, triggered by “nuances”. That’s a two way street.

  3. They get Federal subsidies for taking in moo-slime. They get HUD housing subsidies and they get LaRaza subsidies, if Hispanic. Follow the Soros and Clinton money (from elsewhere around the globe) downward, and you will find a sizable list of people we put in power who turned their backs on us for $ $ $. Money from Sheiks and money from Despots and of course they rape us daily of our own money and destroy our children’s future lives. And they get bigger and bigger, even hemorrhaging … their filthy, ever enlarging, BLEEDING socialist, self-interested hearts, believing themselves to be righteous. They think themselves RIGHTEOUS….self-righteousness for those who get paid less for their evil lies (lower media) and liberal progressive-even marxist-righteousness for those who are paid like kings and queens (our congressmen and congresswomen).

    They must play a daily mind game to keep themselves feeling so good about themselves.

    I pray for the rumored asteroid to hit DC when they are all there for their latest tax payer funded orgy.

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