Geller: Trump Gets an A for Riyadh Speech, But He’s Wrong to Say Terrorists Aren’t Invoking Koran – IOTW Report

Geller: Trump Gets an A for Riyadh Speech, But He’s Wrong to Say Terrorists Aren’t Invoking Koran

Breitbart: Pamela Geller of the American Freedom Defense Initiative joined SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Monday’s Breitbart News Daily to give her review of President Donald Trump’s visit to the Middle East.

“It was a good speech,” Geller said of President Trump’s remarks in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, during the weekend. “It’s just that President Obama had set the bar so low that just the mention of Islamic terror is cause for jubilation. That’s how bad it is.”

“It was a mixed bag. I hope that he follows through on many of these initiatives. These new centers for combating extremist ideology – again, the fear of not naming the motive, of a motiveless ideology, is deeply troubling,” she said.

“Of course, King Salman’s remarks were as telling and revealing as President Trump’s,” she added. “The idea that he does not speak to the Islamic teachings and text that call for jihad, he does not speak to jihadic doctrine. He spends the entire time telling us, preaching to us, that Islam is a religion of peace and that it has a history of coexistence. I don’t know what period he’s talking about because for 1400 years non-believers, Christians, and Jews, were forced to live in dhimmitude under denial of basic human rights.”

“And, of course, he cites that famous Koranic quote that CAIR cites, that President Obama cites, about if you save one life you save the world entire – when, in fact, that is a Talmudic verse that was cribbed by the Islamic religion, and it really is an implied threat to the Jewish people. We don’t have to get into the nitty-gritty of it, but the whole speech of King Salman’s was a deception,” Geller charged. (CAIR is the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a political organization in the United States.)

“I’m very glad that President Trump talked about fighting ISIS because according to leaked emails from Hillary Clinton, the Saudis were supplying ISIS, and Qatar was supplying ISIS. They can’t continue to play both sides, which the Saudis have done brilliantly for decades,” she said.

“So when President Trump says, ‘Drive them out of the mosques,’ that’s a tricky one because how are countries living under Muslim rule going to drive the most devout out of the mosques?  more here

10 Comments on Geller: Trump Gets an A for Riyadh Speech, But He’s Wrong to Say Terrorists Aren’t Invoking Koran

  1. It’s called diplomacy. I think we all know the Koran and the pertinent Hadiths and Sunna — thank you Ann Barnhardt (Koran 101).

    There has been a call for reform in Islam for a long time and we are on the brink of that. Finally. I would hate for this fragile beginning to be quashed over this. Geller is absolutely right but I was also surprised to hear one of the Arab leaders say that Muslims were ignorant of their own religion; that they were illiterate in in.

  2. With all respect to Ms. Geller, what would she have the West do in light of her views? I don’t see how to solve this short of complete eradication of the muslim faith and that is not going to happen, at least for now.

  3. AbigailAdams,

    Through God, all things are possible.

    Islam must be eradicated. Islam WILL be eradicated. The Bible speaks of a war between good & evil. Evil eventually loses. Nobody ever said it would be easy.

    God’s will be done.

  4. @TSUNAMI — How? At the tip of a spear or through reform that helps enable enlightenment? That’s what I’m asking. It’s one thing to make lofty pronouncements about how it “must be eradicated”. It’s another to say how. The Second Coming is the ultimate reckoning between Jesus Christ and worldly evil (of all kinds under Satan). In its fallen state, humanity has no ability to eradicate evil, easily or otherwise. What are you suggesting, exactly?

  5. The best thing we can do is to separate ourselves from islam. Deport all muzzies. Get all of them out of here. These people cannot be allowed to move into western nations. Everywhere this has happened, they lose their schitt b/c they are backwards uncivilized savages and cannot function in a setting w completely different cultural norms and values. Unfortunately, liberals feminists democrats LBSTQRNTPers and some others are too stupid and naive to recognize this and think we can kumbaya and co-exist. Based on what evidence? Their ideology trumps evidence every time. Idiots

  6. She’s right of course. Islam is what it is, and will be in conflict with civilization as long as it exists on earth. Trump is right too. He can’t very well go to Saudi Arabia and say that unless we and he are prepared to start shooting now.

  7. Abigail, “humanity has no ability to eradicate evil”.

    Nonsense. It’s not about ‘ability’, it’s about repentance, action, and resolve. The problem is that it’s a messy business.

    Hitler was evil. Hitler was destroyed by people with the resolve to make it happen, so I reject your premise.

  8. TSUNAMI — Reject away, but man is a fallen creature and no lasting eradication of evil is possible with mankind. To wit (quoting Joe Dan), the likes of Daesh in all its forms as well as every other kind of evil which exists. Eventually all knees will bend, but not until then. I don’t think we are on opposite sides of the argument, I just would like to hear more from you about your ideas on how islamic terrorism is eradicated short of a holocaust similar to the one we know too well. Islamists are a self-healing Hydra. I believe we will slowly choke it off, but not without also changing hearts and minds among its adherents. You haven’t quite stated it outright, but it seems you are proposing an all-out military-based action against Islam. I take it to mean that is the “messy business” you write about. Is that right?

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