The Lid:
Thankfully the fake case against General Michael Flynn is falling apart. It was bogus from the beginning–a combination of the Russian collusion hoax and the Obama Administration’s hatred of a General who told the truth. He was the head of the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency under Obama but was forced out. According to former DIA official, W. Patrick Lang: “Flynn incurred the wrath of the White House by insisting on telling the truth about Syria … they shoved him out. He wouldn’t shut up.”
When General Flynn was named to be part of the incoming Trump administration, the framing began.
On Wednesday evening we learned among other things, handwritten notes “written by the FBI’s former head of counterintelligence Bill Priestap after a meeting with then-FBI Director James Comey and then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Fox News is told — further suggested that agents planned in the alternative to get Flynn “to admit to breaking the Logan Act” when he spoke to then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the presidential transition period.”
Flynn was the National security advisor for the incoming President. He had every right to talk to the Russian advisor. On the other hand, Obama’s former Secretary of State John Kerry violated it often, and nothing was done. read more
Barr-Sessions sucks, doesn’t he?
Yeah, but Kerry is a Democrat. Laws don’t apply to a Democrats. They do apply to Republicans whether they broke them or not.
I hope Flynn is soon exonerated AND appointed to a position where he can get some satisfaction.
And so it ends where it began. Now it remains for Durham to put a pretty bow on it.
I would like to see General Flynn appointed to a brief stint as the FBI director. Just long enough to confront and unceremoniously fire about half (or more) of the treasonous bastards / bastardettes that currently infest the organization.
Then appoint him to a position from which he can audit and reorganize the “Intelligence Community” (firing many of them) which is apparently one of the reasons the deep state wanted him gone so badly to begin with.
While the claim was made that he lied to VP Pence, I suspect that the FBI are the ones that lied about what Flynn said and made it appear as though Flynn lied to Pence. Make the courts exonerate him completely and appoint him soon thereafter (after he has time to file lawsuits against the corrupt FBI / DOJ / CIA operatives that framed him). He should be made financially whole with their pensions …… they won’t need the money if they get what they deserve. Maybe “our” FDR can verify that hell doesn’t accept American dollars as payment.
Maybe President Trump could create a czar of executions position just for him.
Kerry has ‘Democratic Immunity’…ya see.
That so called deepstater “judge” who is hearing the case
continues to drag this really stinking dead horse down the
back allY of FBI and CIA criminal created fraud.
I hope history adds him to the top of the list of the guilty.
They’re trying to run out the clock on Trump45…..
We need to VOTE….!
Lurch has been a traitor since I was a Senior in HS in 1971 when he participated in the Paris Peace Talks about the Vietnam War when he was still a Reserve Navy Officer. He is one former Navy Oficer that I absolutely have no respect for. His former Swiftboat shipmates should’ve fragged him when he was supposedly in Cambodia and we would`’ve never have had this problem. I would still like to see his DD – 214 to know the truth about his Reserve status at the time. If he was still in the reserves and participated ilegally in the Peace Talks that makes him a traitor in my opinion.
As I have said before, President Trump should appoint him as a special Executive Branch Agent to investigate the 17 intelligence agency staffs for illegal and extra constitutional shenanigans!