Gen. Flynn’s Attorney Makes a Motion to Disqualify Judge Sullivan from the Case – IOTW Report

Gen. Flynn’s Attorney Makes a Motion to Disqualify Judge Sullivan from the Case


Before the uninitiated run off half-crazy over this development, I’ll need to pour a little cold water on this story in order to inject some legal reality into the bloodstream.

This is a motion Sidney Powell is making “for the record” in case this matter was ever to go up on a “straight appeal” to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals.  Unless she raises the matter now and puts it in the “record” of the District Court case, an Appeals Court will not be willing to consider this matter in any later appeal as it will have been “forfeited” by “not having been raised below.”  In other words, a litigant needs to give the trial court judge the first chance to make the decision, and if you don’t like the trial court judge’s decision, then you get to appeal.

What she has written is mostly a “PR” piece.  The substance of her complaints — while accurate — as a legal matter won’t have any impact while the case remains in the District Court before Judge Sullivan.  He’s going to deny the motion, and then his denial would be subject to review by the Appeals Court if the case ever gets that far. read more

7 Comments on Gen. Flynn’s Attorney Makes a Motion to Disqualify Judge Sullivan from the Case

  1. I haven’t come up with a good play on words based on the fact that “emmet” is a semi-archaic word for “ant”. As in “piss-ant”. So I’ll just leave the raw materials here in case one of our fine wordsmiths / punsters want to have a go.

  2. Sullivan gives a bad name to every ass-sucking no-account Affirmative-Action shitweasel would-a-been law-school drop-out greasy racist Nazi maggot on the bench.

    He’s an embarrassment. That the other “judges” don’t condemn him only proves the depths of depravity to which the “legal” profession has fallen.

    izlamo delenda est …


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