Gen. Milley on Afghanistan: ‘You could see a resurgence of terrorism’ – IOTW Report

Gen. Milley on Afghanistan: ‘You could see a resurgence of terrorism’

Just The News: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley has acknowledged that the U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan will likely lead to a return of terrorist groups like al-Qaeda, and possibly a civil war. 

“My military estimate is … that the conditions are likely to develop of a civil war,” Milley told Fox News’ Jennifer Griffin during an interview at Ramstein airbase in Germany. “I don’t know if the Taliban is going to [be] able to consolidate power and establish governance.”

“I think there’s at least a very good probability of a broader civil war and that will then, in turn, lead to conditions that could, in fact, lead to a reconstitution of al-Qaeda or a growth of ISIS or other myriad of terrorist groups,” Milley told the network. read more

26 Comments on Gen. Milley on Afghanistan: ‘You could see a resurgence of terrorism’

  1. But hey, we’re stomping out White Supremacy in our ranks and everyone KNOWS those are the REAL terrorists, so there’s that…

    ..but we’re gonna have MANY pregnant fighter pilots. It’s like a two for one!

    So don’t worry about terrorists. We’ll be putting an end to those unvaxxed White, Christian Males soon enough…

  2. This explains the arming to the teeth of the Taliban by Biden, Austin, Milley and Blinken.
    Pallets of US cash and gold to follow (in the dead of night).
    Thank you American Tax Payers. You #1 GI.

  3. “if there’s a threat to the United States.”
    There is a threat, the number 1 threat”:
    FAKE ELECTION, FAKE PRESIDENT, FAKE CONGRESS, courtesy of the swamp, MSM, and Dominion.
    “conduct strike operations” on that shit.

  4. Hey Milley, while you’re wargaming the Afghanistan aftermath, maybe you’d better consider that it could lead to another jet up your tailpipe at the Pentagon. Your compatriots at the TSA have been obsessing over breast milk and belt buckles for twenty years, and your buddies in the IC have been busy chasing Boogaloo boys. That fence at the Capitol won’t stop an Airbus coming in over the wire, and if that tragic event occurs, I hope you’re in there testifying to Pelosi about the threat of domestic terrorism.

  5. Putting aside the ass-backward withdrawal by the current idiots in power, just what have we been during there for the past 20 years beside throwing away the lives 2000+ of our service people (most importantly) and trillions in plunder that we left behind? Have we really improved life for the average Afghan?

  6. Sure uses a lot of modifying weasel-words.
    “I THINK there’s AT LEAST a very good PROBABILITY of a broader civil war and that will then, in turn, LEAD TO conditions that COULD, in fact, LEAD TO a reconstitution of al-Qaeda OR a growth of ISIS OR other myriad of terrorist groups,”

    Thanks. We could have got that analysis from any second or third-rate politician on a village council.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. This fits with my observation of the evolution of management in corporations…
    Small companies succeed and grow because they are comprised of able and dedicated workers.
    As companies become large the incompetent ass kissers get into low level management positions. Over time, they move up the ladder and promote more ass kissers because they actually believe that is an asset (and they are afraid of competent people embarrassing them). The competent people either leave out of disgust or are laid off.
    When they incorporate the vultures swoop in and get on the boards of directors.
    Eventually, the corporation cannot continue and the decline begins. They try to maintain by predatory acquisitions and bleeding them dry.
    Example – General Electric

  8. Jethro

    Yes, my observation as well. Contrast G.E., IBM, General Motors, etc, etc. to a certain defense company we use to do a lot of work for. Each weapons system comprised of a dedicated engineering team to just that system. Same the with Purchasing, Q.A., Planners, even vendors. Very efficient.
    Interestingly enough, from what I read, the Corvette is managed in that manner. I believe even their motors are sourced, inspected, assembled at a separate facility, and the Corvette is always profitable.

  9. I kind of expect those caterpillars to raise their heads and squirm off to either side.

    He’d like more attacks. He could help out the military industrial complex, aka big political donors, and get a nice cushy job after retiring.

  10. General, why should ANYONE find your military estimate credible, given that you were in charge of the disastrous exit from Afghanistan and the Taliban takeover of that country?


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