“Gender Identity” Forced On 5-Year-Olds – IOTW Report

“Gender Identity” Forced On 5-Year-Olds


ST. PAUL, Minnesota (WNB) – Parents were notified by administrators of the Nova Classical Academy, a charter school in St. Paul, Minnesota, that their children would be required to read “My Princess Boy” in support of a “gender non-conforming” boy at the school.  MORE

9 Comments on “Gender Identity” Forced On 5-Year-Olds

  1. There is only one reason for this that I can see, and I believe it is the same reason Common Core exists. It is a targeted attack to Weaken America and the West any way possible which in these examples include the deliberate mind-fcuking of the next generation(s) of our children to mentally cripple them and prevent or at least inhibit them from achieving excellence. You don’t see this shit going on in Russia, China or any other non-Western nation!

  2. Kids are born not knowing Shit from Shinola.
    This is why we have adults.
    To teach them not to put bugs in their mouths, or go out into the road.
    It is time to get rid of the Feds in education.
    Sexual Identity disorder is a mental illness. To just accept that it is a natural state of being is madness.
    It’s like a kid having lice and saying that having bugs crawling in your hair is a normal state for a human being on this earth.
    I cannot for the life of me understand why Parents do not act out the scene from Frankenstein with the villagers with the torches and pitchforks.
    And tar and feather these petty bureaucrats on a regular basis.
    I know the power of one pissed off Mom. She lumped my noggin several times in her wrath.
    I cannot imagine any institution withstanding twenty or fifty.

  3. In around 25 years there will be a pattern of a particular type of brutal murders as revenge is taken by the victims of this sort of child abuse. You read it here first.

  4. “gender identity forced on five year olds.”

    it sure was.
    by mother nature when they were developing in the womb.
    got a penis your a boy, if not your a girl.
    if you don’t think so you’re a nut.

  5. “In 100 years we have gone from teaching Latin and Greek
    in high school to teaching Remedial English in college.”
    — Joseph Sobran

    “Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.” — Josef Stalin

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