Gene Wilder Dies at 83 – IOTW Report

Gene Wilder Dies at 83

VarietyGene Wilder, who regularly stole the show in such comedic gems as “The Producers,” “Blazing Saddles,” “Young Frankenstein,” “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” and “Stir Crazy,” died Monday at his home in Stamford, Conn. His nephew Jordan Walker-Pearlman said he died of complications from Alzheimer’s disease. He was 83.

His nephew said in a statement, “We understand for all the emotional and physical challenges this situation presented we have been among the lucky ones — this illness-pirate, unlike in so many cases, never stole his ability to recognize those that were closest to him, nor took command of his central-gentle-life affirming core personality. The decision to wait until this time to disclose his condition wasn’t vanity, but more so that the countless young children that would smile or call out to him “there’s Willy Wonka,” would not have to be then exposed to an adult referencing illness or trouble and causing delight to travel to worry, disappointment or confusion. He simply couldn’t bear the idea of one less smile in the world.

He continued to enjoy art, music, and kissing with his leading lady of the last twenty-five years, Karen. He danced down a church aisle at a wedding as parent of the groom and ring bearer, held countless afternoon movie western marathons and delighted in the the company of beloved ones.”  MORE

43 Comments on Gene Wilder Dies at 83

  1. Mr. Wilder was a gift from God. He made me laugh.

    Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

  2. I met his parents in Los Angeles when I was a service technician. He bought them a house in a ritzy part of town. While driving to the house, I was getting excited at the opportunity to meet such a great and talented actor. When I got there, I was told by his parents that Gene lived in a different part of town and that Gene bought them the house. His mom and dad were very nice people. I like Gene in every movie I ever saw. My favorite was Young Frankenstein.

  3. Rest in Heavenly peace.
    He brought much laughter without resorting to the crude or obscene. Thanks for all the laughter. The Producers was on earlier this week. It’s always fresh even if we’ve seen it dozen times.

    Oompa loompa doompety doo

  4. @Aggie: You misspelled “faggotry”. 😄

    P.S. – Gene Wilder was the greatest. His characters always had that subtle undercurrent of naïve, yet mischievous child about them that added to the humor of any scene he was in. RIP, Gene.

  5. RIP Mr. Wilder. You were one of the funniest guys I watched when growing up. As for his politics I never heard a hell of a lot from him from his Hollywood perch and that’s the way it should be.
    Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles, a 2 4 in the trunk and a few spliffs at a Holiday All Night Drive In. Good Days.

  6. Downloaded and watched Stir Crazy tonight. Funny shit.
    After the jokes are done it drags a bit.

    But many funny jokes in the first hour
    It was the eighties. 2/3 of a full comedy bit after that nobody knew how to finish. Steve Martin’s The Jerk and SNL had the same issues

    Nonetheless Wilder was wicked funny

  7. Nobody’s mentioned it yet, but one of Wilder’s funniest roles was a segment in Woody Allen’s Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid to Ask in which he plays a psychiatrist who becomes enamored of a sheep.

    He even had a small part in Bonnie and Clyde.


  8. Sad to hear of his passing.

    Blazing Saddles, Stir Crazy, so many good parts played by this talented comedy actor. If laughter is great medicine, the guy was a pharmacist.


  9. RIP Mr Wilder. He a Iowa Hawkeye in his early days. Thought Young Frankenstein was the funniest thing ever when I saw it, still love that terrific movie. A throwback to our nation’s wonderful comedy era before PC killed it. Godspeed Gene Wilder

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