General Hospital star is unsung hero against the Vaccine Mandate – IOTW Report

General Hospital star is unsung hero against the Vaccine Mandate

  1. Didn’t know General Hospital was still on air.
  2. No, I don’t know who this guy is.
  3. He’s speaking the truth. That’s a nice switch for Hollywood.

Check him out.

12 Comments on General Hospital star is unsung hero against the Vaccine Mandate

  1. He didn’t just shoot himself in the foot, he shot himself in his career. MSM will toss him like a flaming hot potato, because most of them hate being confronted by the truth and facts.

  2. Hmmm.
    Libtards ignore real doctors (Simone Gold and Pierre Kory) but pay attention to an actor who plays one on TV? (Even if they attack him)
    What a sad commentary about our society.

  3. I can’t argue with anything he has said. The crazy people are the ones demanding that those of us who choose not to get the jab, be punished – even talking about killing us. When the kids were growing up, I’d take an hour out and watch General Hospital. I bet if I started watching it again today, that it will start where I left off 30+ years ago. Soap operas rarely move forward.

  4. Look at the data that is coming out of Israel. They have a 75%+ jab rate six months ago. Last month 70% those dying of the Kung Flu had at least 2 doses of the jab. Israel also has a higher than average percentage of those with the kung flu.

    What has happened in Israel is the case study to prove that the jab does nothing to stop the kung flu.

  5. I agree totally. I didn’t get the jab for any other reason than I had things I had to do and people that I needed to see; minimizing my risk to them (and vice versa) meant taking a calculated risk with the “vaccine”.
    I don’t advocate for or against the jab or a mask–let me do what I think is correct and you do what you think is right.

  6. “Jax” aka Ingo Rademacher is right, of course. He’s Australian and probably pissed at his country’s tyannical lockdowns and mandates and hopes it doesn’t get that bad “in the States”.

    He most likely will be fired because he works for woke ABC/Disney. I’ve watched this soap for years and most of the actors on the show are decent people – not Hollywood lunatics. Sadly, this vax controversy puts the soap opera in jeopardy of cancelation.

  7. The real vaxxer villian is “Alexis” aka Nancy Lee Grahn also an actor on the soap opera General Hospital. She’s a woke Alyssa Milano Demwit type.
    This is what she wrote on Twitter;

    “Nancy Lee Grahn
    Aug 12
    I work on a set with unmasked, unvaccinated actors, because my union thus far @sagaftra
    has allowed this. Full stop.
    @frandrescher @MatthewModine
    both currently running for #SagAftra President, please address this.”
    IDIOT *sigh*

  8. I still DVR General Hospital…when a story-line pisses me off, I stop watching for awhile, but curiosity keeps me coming back. Have always liked Ingo as I think he follows his own beat vs. what Hollywood mandates. And @99th Squad Leader, wholeheartedly agree! Nancy Lee Grahn is AWFUL!…THE wokest of the woke LIbs. Used to at least be okay with her acting….but can’t even stomach that any more.

  9. LOL, we think alike about soap operas, Aunt Liz. I “quit” GH, too when the plots get silly. Kinda like some are now. The Sonny amnesia storyline is ridiculous.
    Always suspected the actress that plays Alexis was a twit in real life. Her stupid Twitter account confirms it.


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