General Michael Flynn Responds to Media Smears over His Appearance at God and Country Rally on Memorial Day Weekend – IOTW Report

General Michael Flynn Responds to Media Smears over His Appearance at God and Country Rally on Memorial Day Weekend


General Mike Flynn was a featured speaker this weekend at the For God and Country Rally in Dallas, Texas over Memorial Day Weekend.

General Flynn and Trump Attorney Sidney Powell lit up the crowds and were a HUGE HIT at the pro-Trump and anti-Marxist rally this weekend.

Both General Flynn and Sidney Powell were honored at one point during the weekend for their work on election integrity and saving the republic from the Marxist horde.

At one point during the weekend General Flynn sat on a panel and was asked if why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here? The question was in reference to the military overthrow of the leadership after accusations of massive voter fraud in the last election.

General Flynn suggested coups can happen anywhere — although we have never had this happen in America up to this point despite several prior elections riddled with fraud.

The leftist media was looking for something to take the focus off of the failed Biden presidency and the forensic audits of the 2020 election. They used this one line to attack the honorable general and the entire conference. more here

6 Comments on General Michael Flynn Responds to Media Smears over His Appearance at God and Country Rally on Memorial Day Weekend

  1. FAKE NEWS has been the SOP for decades! They lie! They lie to hurt conservatives and they lie to protect liberals.

    This has been so at least 70 years. probably over 100 years. 125 years ago Twain said, “don’t read a paper, uninformed. Read one MISINFORMED!”! That was in the 19th century!

    Constitution gives us all a license to lie. Press has used it hard for at least 70 years.

  2. Love it ! “anti-Marxist rally”

    Mock them. Mock the shit out of them. Watch the the Marxists go batshit.

    Marxists have a big problem with ridicule. Big problem.


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