General Mike Flynn, Rudolph Contreras and The Increasingly Sketchy FISA Application – IOTW Report

General Mike Flynn, Rudolph Contreras and The Increasingly Sketchy FISA Application

Conservative Treehouse: For those following the increasingly curious case against General Mike Flynn, events took another unusual turn yesterday as Special Counsel Robert Mueller -with agreement from all parties- filed a motion for a protective order to seal documents. These are documents compelled on behalf of the defense, by Judge Emmet Sullivan, prior to sentencing.

On November 30th, 2017, Mike Flynn signed a guilty plea; ostensibly admitting lying to investigators.  The plea was accepted by Judge Ruben Contreras; who is also a FISA court judge.  Six days later, December 7th, 2017, Judge Contreras “was recused” from the case without explanation.  The case was reassigned to DC District Judge Emmet Sullivan.

The Contreras recusal always seemed sketchy. If the conflict existed on December 7th, wouldn’t that same conflict have existed on November 30th, 2017?

On December 12th, 2017, Judge Sullivan gave out a rather unusual set of instructions to Robert Mueller.  The instructions included Sullivan telling Mueller to turn over to the Flynn defense anything that could be considered exculpatory:

[…]  if the government has identified any information which is favorable to the defendant but which the government believes is not material, the government shall submit the material to the Court for in camera review. (link)

On January 31st, 2018, Robert Mueller requested a delay of sentencing pushing the sentencing phase into May of this year.  And then yesterday, February 14th, 2018, Mueller asks for the information he is turning over to be sealed.

As Nick Falco points out on Twitter: “We haven’t seen text messages between Strzok-Page mentioning Flynn or around the time of Strzok-Flynn Interview on January 24, 2017. I’m sure Horowitz has the texts & has given them to the Mueller team. Starting today, Flynn will have access to this evidence for his defense.” …  “Today’s Stipulated Motion gives the Flynn team access to ALL evidence, including the FD-302’s, as long as the evidence is kept secret.”  MORE HERE

9 Comments on General Mike Flynn, Rudolph Contreras and The Increasingly Sketchy FISA Application

  1. @Burner
    Contreras was the compliant judge who was recused., and he did not recuse himself, he was recused. Slightly different wording but totally different meaning. In other words since he would not do the right thing and step down, he was removed.

  2. For a guy trying to shine a light on Russian interference in our elections, or whatever it is he’s doing, Comey sure is hiding a lot of stuff. Won’t even let CNN, or anybody else see Comey’s memos to himself. I guess that dumbass bumpkin Sessions can’t even peek at any of this. Idiot.

  3. And speaking of hiding documents…

    “Intelligence officials can selectively release classified information to trusted journalists while withholding the same information from other citizens who request it through open records laws, CIA lawyers argued Wednesday.”

    This CIA argument is essentially the Chris Cuomo Journo Gatekeeper doctrine…

    “Also interesting is, remember, it’s illegal to possess these stolen documents. It’s different for the media. So everything you learn about this, you’re learning from us.”

    Most transparent administration in history, it was.

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