General Milley says he never received an ‘illegal order’ from Trump after Election Day – IOTW Report

General Milley says he never received an ‘illegal order’ from Trump after Election Day

JTN: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley said Sunday in an interview that he was never given an “illegal order” from former President Trump following the 2020 election.

During the ABC interview, reporter Martha Raddatz asked Milley if Trump ordered him to use the military to remain in office after the 2020 election.

“I argued the case at various times for alternative courses of action, never received an illegal order,” Milley answered. 

According to reports from two years ago, top generals were concerned that Trump would attempt a coup to stay in office after losing the 2020 election.  more here

20 Comments on General Milley says he never received an ‘illegal order’ from Trump after Election Day

  1. ms milley knew PDT won the 2020 election & now the whole world knows biteme is not a duly elected president
    milley should be court martialed for not stopping a domestic enemy to usurp the presidency
    but ms milley’s woke & probably an evil deranged deviant degenerate pedofile like biteme

  2. “I argued the case at various times for alternative courses of action…”

    Notice he implies President Trump was part of the argument.

    What a disgraceful POS. You know he wanted to hang Trump, but he will likely be put under oath at one of Don’s trials and didn’t want a conflicting statement on the record.

  3. In somewhat related news, Zelensky just sacked his Defense Minister, Oleksyii Reznikov, due to concerns about “corruption”. Although “sacked” may be the wrong word, since Reznikov is now in London as the new ambassador for Ukraine.

    It’s almost as if it was suggested to Zelensky that it might be wise to get Reznikov out of Ukraine so he couldn’t plot a coup. But I’m sure Milley knows nothing about that, and our lapdog SecDef Lloyd Austin would never dare try such a thing with Biden.

    Although with this denial, and the “dementia” comment, it could be that Milley, if not Austin, is starting to worry about the deep state direction of the war in Ukraine as it relates to our weapons and our troops. We’ll see.

  4. MissInMi

    “I recently read somewhere that during WW2, we had roughly 7 “top generals”.

    We still have 7 top generals that are capable of fighting a war. The balance are “Political Generals” that in reality don’t know shit about how the military runs. Like Milley Vanilly.


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