14 Comments on General Milley’s portrait removed from Pentagon hallway
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Hopefully not until everyone pissed on it
The scumbag accepting the pardon is an offical admission of a crime. He should officially disgraced. Further, his pension should be cut – who says a pardon secures your pension if acceptance of a pardon is an admission of a crime?
None of them can take the 5th if they’re brought in for questioning. That’s part of the pardon.
Just shows how stupid the whole crowd was.
As I say, the next 4 years are going to be fun.
Take out the papers and the trash …
Bust him to private.
Now remove him from the Land of the Living.
He committed treason and admitted it.
The Founders were pretty clear about what to do about THAT…
Was he wearing a mask in the portrait?
Does a pardon prevent a military tribunal?
Bust him to private, AND ship him off to the trenches in Eastern Ukraine.
Treason cannot be pardoned.
Not seeing the karma here, but one can hope.
To paraphrase the old joke: :Piss on Miley’s picture? After I leave the Army/Air Force/Navy I’m not standing in line ever again!”
Have it copied and turned into range targets for recruits to use in basic training restored and upgraded military.
A nice visual reminder of the dangers of woke.
Send it back to the artist to have him replace the uniform with prisoner stripes and a noose. Then display it prominently in the Capitol rotunda.