Gentlemen, Stop It! Just Stop It! – IOTW Report

38 Comments on Gentlemen, Stop It! Just Stop It!

  1. But what if you can’t button your top button? Is it bad to have too much chest hair showing along with some skin? (I’ve been getting great looks from the ladies, lately. And they like that I always wear short sleeve dress shirts. Honeys, call me. I’m available every other Tuesday at 10 p.m. And you know, I don’t know why Craigslist isn’t working these days. Nothing I put up there is selling! But I’m telling you, I’ve got the shirt thing down. Dunno…)

  2. GM – Just do what I do at a restaurant… If I don’t finish everything on the plate (and have a cute waitress) they’ll ask “wanna box for that?”
    To which I say: no, I’d rather wrestle 🙂

  3. Hey Brad….Pete Hegseth was a 9 year combat veteran that served in both Iraq and Afghanistan and retired as a Major….The world needs more “metro sexuals” like this…..He also was inspired to join the military after 9-11…He’s a true Patriot….

  4. “Better than man buns. That stupid trend needs to be over.”

    Every time I see one of those damn things I just want to grab it, whip out my blade and remove it. Hand it to the former owner and tell it, well at least you look like a man now. Our pharmacist has one. Drives me nuts.

  5. Willy

    I know. I’ve also seen him compete in some physically challenging events where he held his own with some younger guys. I appreciate the guy and what he’s done for veterans. But to be honest, the coverage of his wedding pushed him over the top for me. What makes him think I care that much about his private life? I don’t. Probably just me being old and cranky.

  6. Harry
    WEDNESDAY, 24 JANUARY 2024, 14:28 AT 2:28 PM
    “GM – Just do what I do at a restaurant… If I don’t finish everything on the plate (and have a cute waitress) they’ll ask “wanna box for that?”
    To which I say: no, I’d rather wrestle 🙂”

    Says: “Ha, ha, of course! It’s my pleasure to serve you.

    Does: Have someone else drop off the box and check.

    Thinks: “Great, another middle age perv. Haven’t heard THAT three times today. Seriously Grandpa, get some new material”

  7. I work from home most of the time now. I find it harder and harder each day to dress properly before jumping on my PC.
    Only once did I have a panic and rush to the closet and put on a nice shirt and tie while still wearing pajama bottoms for a 7:30 AM ZOOM meeting that wasn’t on the calendar the afternoon before.

  8. Wearing a tie isn’t all that bad unless it’s a bow tie which makes you look like a dork. And don’t even get me started on clip on bow ties that I wore when I was pumping gas for my dad. I do like bolo string ties though, my dad had one with a small turquoise in it.

  9. My pet peeve is speedos on 95% of men over 40. For most men, this should be a felony; for some men (like me) wearing a speedo should qualify for capital punishment.

  10. Ah, I wear a long-sleeved fleece undershirt under my dress shirt and my sports jacket during cold weather, and an overcoat over that. They give me extra warmth in buildings that are sometimes underheated. I don’t wear them when the weather is warm.

  11. Actually. Brad when it’s cold, sweat pants under shorts make a good comboto do yardwork.
    Loose-fitting, keeps you warm, has pockets.
    Just don’t leave your yard dressed like that.

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