Geologist: AOC is Lying About Fossil Fuels – IOTW Report

Geologist: AOC is Lying About Fossil Fuels

Geologist Gregory Wrightstone, expert reviewer for the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change joins Wilkow to talk about how Democrats like AOC are spreading insane lies about climate change.

14 Comments on Geologist: AOC is Lying About Fossil Fuels

  1. Looks like Greg trims that ‘stash with a laser.
    How can you explain this to a wild eyed true believer?
    The first death in Millennial public education, critical thinking.
    edit: Answer to my question, coloring books?

  2. To say she is lying about it implies that she has the brains to have some understanding of it in the first place! Now I’m not saying she is not above lying, but let’s face it, this Ignoranus with the mental agility of a soap dish has no comprehension of what she’s talking about in the first place! Hell… she can’t even figure out a disposal for cying out loud!

  3. Take away all the federal grant money and maybe people will come back to their senses.
    Scientific information has become a malleable tool for distortion and weapon for purposes of manipulation.

  4. I have a question about “fossil fuels”. We consider natural gas (methane) one of those along with most of our hydrocarbon sources of energy.

    But the moons of some of the outer planets have oceans of methane. Did those moons have plants that decomposed and made that hydrocarbon?

    Not likely.

  5. Two kinds of methane, Lowell: abiotic and biogenic. Biogenic methane is fairly young and contains isotopes of Carbon, just like any organic molecule. Abiotic methane is so old that any Carbon14 in it has decayed to Nitrogen14. It was either present during the formation of the solar system or is produced geologically. Scientists can test for the two types by their Carbon14 content.

    I’ve seen the solid, white methane hydrate fields off the West Coast (thanks to an ROV camera). They’re pretty impressive. As the depth decreases they bubble away.


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