George Bush, Colin Powell, and Mitt Romney Say They Won’t Support President Trump but They Find No One Cares – IOTW Report

George Bush, Colin Powell, and Mitt Romney Say They Won’t Support President Trump but They Find No One Cares

RedState: Have you ever had one of those days? You know, the kind when you wake up in the morning, roll out of bed and the first thought that came to your mind is “I wonder what Mitt Romney and Colin Powell would want me to do today?” I didn’t think so. But, because the New York Times doesn’t believe in individuals, it believes in groups, and groups must have leaders (every time I read ‘black leaders’ and ‘Evangelical leaders’ I want to throw up, the black folks and the Evangelicals in my circle of acquaintances and friends and family don’t have leaders, they make up their own minds), it seems to think that it has stumbled upon a key weakness for President Trump in 2020. more here

27 Comments on George Bush, Colin Powell, and Mitt Romney Say They Won’t Support President Trump but They Find No One Cares

  1. The only person worth a shit out of that gang of globalist scum is Dick Cheney. And sometimes that might be in question. And Dick ain’t saying Dick.
    It’s interesting how anti Trump Dana Perino use to be. Now she sounds like a real Deplorable most of the time.

  2. All I can say from the man on the street polls I have done Mitt will not win his next primary. I just wish I could vote “no” on all those losers one last time.

    The only reason I would move to Utah is to vote against Mitt but even that is not enough to move to Utah.

  3. Bush had one of the great moments in history at Ground Zero when he said the “terrorists will hear from all of us.” Then he blew it with “Islam is the religion of peace.” I once admired him as a “good man” but now I can’t stand him.

  4. It really is different this time.

    I remember back in 2016 reading that Trump hit piece in the National Review, penned by 25 of America’s most conservative writers. THB, I got it, Trump (at that time) was not a conservative and they didn’t like it. Although I differed vehemently on their prognostications (Hillary winning would usher in a new era of untrammeled more appealing to a wider body conservativism in the future) I didn’t begrudge them that opinion.

    It’s different now. Trump has a body of work, a track record, an unenviable list of accomplishments that have advanced everything a good conservative would want. No hiding behind your ignorance this time. We know what we are getting, and if you can’t get behind his vision for what America ought to be, I got no sympathy for you, only derision and scorn.

    And I’m kinda glad the veneer of Bush is being worn to the point of irritation. He was so lacking in so many ways, regardless of him being a nice man, he really did suck at being President.

  5. It’s like when McCain was still alive. When a news story would say “Leading Republicans oppose President Trump…” you knew the list included McCain.

    As Louis Renault would describe them: “Usual suspects.”

  6. George W. Bush:

    The “Islam is a religion of peace” president…

    …were only “radical Islamist’s want to do us harm.

    Turns out he’s a jackwagon.

  7. It’s since come out that Bush is denying it but my first thought was “Where’s the proof he voted for Trump in 2016?”

    The rest of them? Why would anyone expect them to vote for Trump?

    This isn’t news. It’s a story they want to tell. Because? Desperation. 🙄

  8. Desperation. This is not what people that believe they are wining in November would be doing. If anything this just further confirms that Trump is the guy to vote for again to thwart these globalist establishment hacks.

  9. All of these people know how mentally diminished and incompetent Dementia Joe is at this point in the campaign to unseat President Donald J. Trump. Are they seriously suggesting that Joe Obiden will be a better President of the United States at this perilous time in the history of this country? I’d have a modicum of respect for this collection of Trump haters if they had stepped forward and condemned the Russian Collusion Hoax or spoke out against the Shampeachment, but they are all members of the Republican Party that helped create the problems President Trump’s Administration is fighting on our account. So, just endorse and be damned by history. See if we care.

  10. Don’t forget Hillary and Biden they aren’t going to support Trump either! What a bunch of to do about nothing just to sound bad! Who cares!
    Trump forever! Long live the king!
    Oh well I feel better now 😊

  11. Good. Those three repulsive losers belong in Biden’s Titanic. It would be a disgrace to have them on our team. They belong in the same outhouse basement as Michael Moore, Hillary, Meat Head, Tom Arnold, Rosie O’Donnell, and most of Hollywood.

  12. @ Rich Taylor,
    I don’t know about you, but I have been paying attention to Donald Trump for a long time. Since the days that he had discussions with WFB Jr. on Firing Line. He has always been pretty conservative and has Presided over this Nation as the MOST conservative President in my lifetime. Might be why the rinos hate him.

  13. I paid attention when the progressive/lib was TX Gv. I never “knowingly” vote for a far left lib. I voted AGAINS JFK in’04. GWB has always been a devious charlatan; still is!

    I voted ONCE for the 1st President to attack America on international TV; every time he slander America Ronny flinched like he’d been kicked in the nuts! KINDER GENTLER AMERICA


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