George Bush needs to get a grip and stop Churchill-izing Zelensky – IOTW Report

George Bush needs to get a grip and stop Churchill-izing Zelensky

American Thinker:
By Francis P. Sempa

The New York Post reports that former president George W. Bush called Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky “the Winston Churchill of our time.”  Bush spoke to Zelensky on May 5, 2022 via video conference.  Then, on Instagram, Bush posted that he thanked Zelensky for “his leadership, his example, and his commitment to liberty.”  Bush also said, “We will continue to stand with Ukrainians as they stand up for their freedom.”

One would think after that the debacles in Afghanistan and Iraq, Bush would be a little more humble when he talks about war.

After the September 11, 2001 attacks on America, Bush gave some stirring, Churchillian speeches to Congress and the American people.  He portrayed the struggle against al-Qaeda and their sponsors as an existential battle of good versus evil.  And he told the world that you were either with the United States in this struggle or against us.  He then waged war against Al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan and waged war in Iraq based on intelligence that Iraq was hiding weapons of mass destruction and was associated with Islamic terrorists.

Initially, both wars went well, as American forces hunted down al-Qaeda terrorists and attacked their Taliban hosts in Afghanistan and toppled Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq.  But soon thereafter, things started going awry.  Instead of finding Afghan and Iraqi “strongmen” to impose order and stability in those countries, as, for example, Eisenhower did in Iran and Guatemala in the 1950s, and Nixon did in Chile in the 1970s, Bush acted more like the Kennedy brothers in South Vietnam (who supported the coup against Diem) by sacrificing stability and order for the promise of Western-style democracy.  It didn’t work in Vietnam, and it didn’t work in Afghanistan or Iraq.  Bush soon transformed the Global War on Terror into a crusade to spread democracy — a crusade that lasted twenty years and failed miserably, as most crusades do. read more

14 Comments on George Bush needs to get a grip and stop Churchill-izing Zelensky

  1. So, for everyone that voted for this idiot because “he’s the kind of guy you could share a beer with”, you still want to share a beer with him? Line of coke, maybe?

  2. All these deep state establishment globalist love themselves some Zelensky.

    Kinda makes you wonder what the deal is…

    He’s got moxie, I won’t deny that but I’m thinking he may be up to his eyeballs in global corruption.

  3. The last time the establishment idolized a guy in olive drab was Fidel Castro in 1959. They were shocked when he went full totalitarian. Way to stay on top of things, CIA. But I reckon the estabs have warmed to the idea of dictators in the last sixty years, as long as they can do business with them, and W is niw totally cool with the Junior “Churchills” who shut down opposition parties and turn the media into a state-controlled operation.

  4. AWM.

    What about the conservatives who never voted for the leftist GWB? I voted Ronny 9 times; would never share a beer with a man who hates Ronny with every beat of his heart! He to this day hates me for making GHWB look bad in ’79 and ’80. What about me?

  5. The sly elitist-globalist Bush may very well have helped to engineer 911. It was thought so by many at the time and the truth of the thing is more glaring today.

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