George Papadopoulos Announces Run for Congress – IOTW Report

George Papadopoulos Announces Run for Congress

Dan Bongino: Former Trump campaign volunteer, George Papadopoulos announced he will run for the California congressional seat vacated by disgraced former Democrat congresswoman Katie Hill.

“Given that this is Thanksgiving week, I’m very thankful for the opportunity to announce my candidacy for California’s 25th congressional district,” Papadopoulos told Fox and Friends. “It’s a district which Republicans held for 26 years up until recently when Katie Hill…resigned due to her unethical behavior both in the halls of Congress and in the district that she represented.”

[ Watch him here: ]

Papadopoulos continued, “This is a state with tremendous potential. Unfortunately, the governing apparatus and the party in this state has driven it right into the ground. I have been living here for over a year and a half, and people every single day, when I go and talk around the districts, the state, the country, they tell me we need a candidate to represent the community that has an America First agenda at heart, that supports the president, and if elected to Congress, would propose and enact legislation that would advance this agenda.” read more

10 Comments on George Papadopoulos Announces Run for Congress

  1. Those who hate Muslims can be concerned citizens and report every Muslim as a terrorist to the police. If Muslims are harassed enough maybe they’ll leave.

    Another way to deal with Muslims is to donate to birth control organizations that give away free birth control to Muslims.

    Not every problem needs to solved with a gun.

    Killing every Jew, black, Muslim, illegal immigrant, faggot, woman, cop, and politician is not very practical.

    Maybe the best way to deal with diversity is to voluntarily self-segregate.


    The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas.

  2. Although it would be great to start to reset the balance of power in the federal level in commifornia, but what they REALLY NEED is to clean house on the state level and hang those fukin’ commies that are turning that beautiful state into a liberal shithole!


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