George Santos Trolls House Republicans After They Fail to Impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas for the Second Time – IOTW Report

George Santos Trolls House Republicans After They Fail to Impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas for the Second Time


As the Gateway Pundit reported, The House of Representatives for the SECOND Time failed to impeach Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

The following three so-called Republicans cast the decisive votes to ensure lawbreaking by the Regime will continue to be rewarded:

Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado

Rep. Tom McClintock of California

Rep. Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin

A fourth Republican, Rep. Blake Moore of Utah, voted no purely as a procedural move to ensure a vote on Mayorkasโ€™ impeachment could be brought up again.

Following the vote, former New York GOP Congressman George Santos authored a brilliant troll of the GOPโ€™s inexcusable failure in a pointed tweet. As Gateway Pundit readers know, 105 cowardly Republicans made the historic move to expel New Yorkโ€™s most conservative member from Congress.

Santos just had one question regarding the GOPโ€™s failure: Miss me yet? more

14 Comments on George Santos Trolls House Republicans After They Fail to Impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas for the Second Time

  1. Here were the 8 Republicans who voted with Democrats in November to save Mayorkas from being fired. Note the two familiar names. 13 Republicans refused to vote on the resolution.

    REFUSED TO VOTE?!?!?!? They should be fired for that! They are in charge of guiding our country. Cast a vote, yes or no, and justify your position. Miss a vote? You’re FIRED!!!!!


  2. This will be an unpopular take, but I do not necessarily disagree with Tom McClintock. He is not a liberal, and had been a pain in the ass to California liberals for a long time before being elected to Congress.

    McClintock is a fairly strict constitutionalist. He does not believe, with good reason, that the Constitution allows impeachment of appointed administration officials unless they break the law – and McClintock believes that while Mayorkis is following the bad policies of the Biden administration, he is not engaging in criminal conduct. Furthermore, McClintock does not believe in frequent use of the impeachment process as that sets bad precedent. Yes, I am aware that the Democrats established this precedent with their repeated impeachment of Donald Trump based largely on lies (and that another Californian, Adam Schiff, was instrumental in this), but bad precedent is bad precedent. McClintock is aware that if Mayorkis is impeached, another – and perhaps worse – official will probably be appointed by Biden.

    Tom McClintock is not a liberal, and his track record is actually one conservatives should like. He actually voted against expelling Santos and voted for censuring Schiff. But he is a strict constitutionalist, is very conservative fiscally, and will vote in accordance with his beliefs (which are fairly well known to his constituents) regardless of whether or not any particular vote will be popular or unpopular.

  3. I don’t know Wyatt. Seems everyone in the Biden admin (including the ones in charge) are violating immigration law and state’s rights.

    But then again I am not a Constitutional lawyer (like Obama?… lol) nor am I a politician.

    Who(m?) they are replaced with is also up to Congress, IIRC.

  4. The reality is that it hasn’t a chance in hell of getting through the Senate.
    The left now gets to laugh at them. There’s better things they could be doing than spending time on something that’s going nowhere.

  5. He’s right. The GOP are a bunch of political retards, incapable of knowing what to do with power once they’ve got it; so they just find ways to lose it as fast as humanly possible.

  6. I would recommend reading McClintock’s statement as to why he voted against impeachment of Mayorkis. His reasoning has nothing to do with whether or not he likes Mayorkis (he does not), or whether or not he agrees with Biden’s policy of ignoring immigration law (McClinton absolutely does not agree with this), but everything to do with whether or not impeachment in this case is constitutional.

    It is not my place to speak for Brad, but I think even he will agree that McClintock is conservative and very principled. Conservatives will not necessarily like everything he does, but his actions are based upon his principles and he is neither a liberal or a closet Democrat.

    I can’t speak for the other Republicans who voted against impeachment, but I have followed Tom McClintock for a number of years.

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