Breitbart: Former President George W. Bush went off on his former vice president and defense secretary, stating bluntly that “they did not make one f****** decision.”
Bush made the inflammatory remark about his former colleagues in Mark K. Updegrove’s book The Last Republicans: Inside the Extraordinary Relationship Between George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, which is scheduled to be released November 14.
The 43rd president pushed back against critics who claim he did not make major decisions during his presidency, and that former Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld made most of the important decisions in the White House.
They “didn’t make one f****** decision,” Bush claimed. “The fact that there was any doubt in anyone’s mind about who the president was, blows my mind.” read more
After eight years of sitting by while his darker half brother moved the country further down the socialist rat hole, this ass hat only speaks up when someone actually tries to save the country.
Wow now I’m upset. Cheney is a freaken American Icon. I think Cheney wiped little Jr’s ass for 8 years. If Cheney were a little healthier I’d love to see him in the Trump admin. Little GW is going full retard. Someone should remind him he’s just not that smart.
PS, George the Dope Sniffen Brain Damaged ass holes gotta to be filling the pressure to turn on the Real President for his eight year term.
What a POS – I remember Dick Cheney being one of the few who pushed back against the MSM & Dem smears of GWB
And does that mean the whole WMD clsuterfuck was all on you, W?
GW needs to crack a window when he paints. The turpentine fumes have made him loopy.
Never forget, Dick Cheney’s last official duty to this turd was helping him figure out how to get into a rain poncho at Trumps inauguration.
Well, maybe if Cheney was allowed to make some decisions, he’d have bombed the shit out of Iraq and then we’d have come home right away instead of staying there babysitting superstitious 3rd century apes who smell of cumin and goat loins and who use women and children like toilet paper, and he wouldn’t have started the cycle of letting in 3 million of them into this country after they tried to and are still trying to destroy us. Bush should have been punched in his mama’s nuts just for saying islam is the religion of peace.
George W was a little closer to Saturday Night Lives rendition than any one of us would like to admit at the time. Not that much strategery after all.
I’ve got to say, I like the hell out of both Cheney and Rumsfeld. The bushes have been shitting all over themselves for years! They give republicans a bad name.
Yea that New World Order worked out bitchen.
Looking back on the Bush Administration….
…Cheney, Rumsfeld say in unison, “Whew! Our hands are clean!”
Ahhh…the real George Walker Bush finally showed up. WHAT a LOOSER!
And neither one of these assholes said shit for eight years of Berry saying “Uh well, it’s Bush’s fault, “ and now they’re all best freinds.?
Everytime GW opens his mouth I lose more respect for him. He was the one that told Cheney not to respond to all the lies being told about the Republicans by the Dems and the media because it would be beneath the Presidency. Well George, all that bought was 8 years of Obama. Go break up some brush on the farm and shut the f*ck up.
“and now they’re all best friends”, that’s one of the things that’s confuses me, how do you not torpedo your enemies?
Cheney should have took him pheasant hunting while he had a chance.
reboot, what’s your weather forecast? We’re getting into the NW winter pattern, and I’m already looking for something better.
Nearly one $TRILLION$ spent on Afghanistan alone. W neglected that war he started in order to avenge hi daddy’s name by chasing Saddam. Solely W’s idea, right?
And since he didn’t win or finish either war, just like I dunno, his daddy, he left it to his tanned distant cousin who reversed the gains, unleashed the hounds in Libya and Syria and turbocharged the flow of terrorist “refugees” throughout the West.
And Mr Decorum who won’t speak after office, suddenly deserves a seat on The View alongside those anti-American harpies of low IQ.
W, shut. the. fuck. up.
Joe6pak, we’s moving through typhoon season right now. Light showers, nothing in the next week for real weather. That means it’s a good typhoon season!
If you don’t mind Panamanian strength heat and humidity, this be da place! 12 degrees north, 86F, and 86% humidity. Good for the joints.
I was once known for shooting golf balls with my 1911?
We have four or five courses here. Here’s one of them on the windward side.
That looks great! If we have a winter like the last two years you may hear from me.
W obviously didn’t open his mouth for eight years because he was too busy sucking down the sauce again.
🖕🥃🖕 W!
So all the screw ups are your fault?
Apparently hanging out with a rapist and a gun runner are more important to W than integrity and our country.
Damn those Bush’s, I am done with them now.
There is some honor in not bagging on the previous admin. but to all of a sudden bag on Trump after being quiet during Barry’s disastrous terms shows they are all butt-hurt about Jeb.
Jeb was a loser and would have been another disaster.
Bush go home
is it alcohol, drugs or is his mk ultra programming breaking down?
this is when I realized he’s meshugenah:
Hey, let’s give Georgie Porgie full credit for coming clean that he was the sole author and architect of his worthless administration and for turning the country over to Osama Obama!!
W, I realize you are not a rocket scientist, but I am sorely disappointed in you. No more Bush’s.
“Please Clap” – Low Energy
And this justifies all the reasons for having not supported Yeb!’. As far as I’m concerned the whole family is a traitorous bunch.
For those who supported ‘Yeb!’ this last go-round, ya better be doing some soul-searching to check which side of the political aisle you’re on.
And of course, the standard “I’m sorry that I voted for that turd”, but I vindicated myself this last time by not supporting the GOPe.