George W. Bush Spokeshole Says NYT Article Claiming He Won’t Be Voting For Trump ‘Is Completely Made Up’ – IOTW Report

George W. Bush Spokeshole Says NYT Article Claiming He Won’t Be Voting For Trump ‘Is Completely Made Up’

Daily Caller: Former President George W. Bush’s spokesman vehemently denied an article from the New York Times that alleged he would not be voting for President Donald Trump in 2020.

The NYT reported Saturday that a slew of high-profile Republicans do not plan on supporting Trump’s reelection. Included in that list was Bush, and the NYT cited “people familiar with their thinking.”

“This is completely made up,” Bush’s spokesman Freddy Ford said in an email according to the Texas Tribune. “He is retired from presidential politics and has not indicated how he will vote.” more here

16 Comments on George W. Bush Spokeshole Says NYT Article Claiming He Won’t Be Voting For Trump ‘Is Completely Made Up’

  1. Anything for attention. I only care about how I vote, nobody else. All citizens should vote, how they vote is up to them or whomever harvests their votes in California.

  2. He could come out and declare that he’s voting for President Donald J Trump, but that probably wouldn’t be beneficial for the POTUS. Just shut up and stay in Crawford Texas while investigating the scorpion serum on your lack of testicles….

  3. I believe Tara Reade, even if she’s lying. I don’t believe George W. Bush, even if he’s telling the truth. Isn’t he the Very Former President who told us Islam was the Religion of Peace, and there definitely weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Bush was responsible for starting a war with Saddam Hussein, because “He tried to kill my Dad.” Go cut some firewood in Crawford, and think about the biggest mistake in this country’s history.

  4. @Marco ~ I can definitely think of a much, much bigger mistake in our country’s history

    … it ain’t the Cuban Missile Crisis … bigger
    … it ain’t Vietnam … bigger
    … it ain’t Iraq … bigger
    … it ain’t Obama … bigger

    … something more in line w/ what’s happening now

  5. Molon Labe: I grasp your point. However, the Cuban Missile Crisis wouldn’t have happened if Kennedy had provided air cover for the Cuban Freedom Fighters at the Bay of Pigs. Vietnam wouldn’t have become the bloody morass it was if LBJ had listened to the generals who wanted to win the war or get out years before we did under Nixon. Iraq was the biggest mistake in our country’s recent history, because it unleashed the Shiites and their allies, the Iranians, who benefited more than we did by getting in the middle of a Islamic Civil War. Trillions thrown away for very little in return. Obama was the worst President in our country’s history if you believe in the Constitution and the Republic it created. That leaves the current political and cultural situation, which is the destruction of this country by the enemies within who are trying to defeat President Trump by destroying our democracy.


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