Georgia 2020 Election Absentee Ballots Can Be Unsealed And Examined For Fraud, Judge Says – IOTW Report

Georgia 2020 Election Absentee Ballots Can Be Unsealed And Examined For Fraud, Judge Says

Daily Caller-

Absentee ballots in the 2020 Presidential election can be unsealed and examined for fraud in the state of Georgia, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC).

Henry County Superior Court Judge Brian Amero announced Friday that nearly 145,000 Fulton County absentee ballots could be unsealed for review and legitimacy, according to the report.

Judge Amero noted that the ballots must remain in the custody of Fulton county officials while the review takes place. The review process can not undo the outcome of the election results, as Georgia certified the results of the 2020 Presidential election in November.

Plaintiffs argued that the latest review of ballots was to further investigate possible suspicious activity by election officials, according to the AJC. more

5 Comments on Georgia 2020 Election Absentee Ballots Can Be Unsealed And Examined For Fraud, Judge Says

  1. “Judge Amero noted that the ballots must remain in the custody of Fulton county officials while the review takes place.”

    Please pardon my skepticism. But aren’t these the same traitors that perpetrated the fraud in the first place?

  2. To quote a former secretary of state “What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?”. If that could be the answer for Bengazi, what would be the remedy for 2020 election shenanigans?

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