Georgia Democrat Candidate For Governor Refuses To Reveal Source Of Million-Dollar Donations – IOTW Report

Georgia Democrat Candidate For Governor Refuses To Reveal Source Of Million-Dollar Donations


DC: Stacey Abrams, the Democratic nominee in Georgia’s gubernatorial election, is refusing to disclose the origin of millions of dollars donated to two foundations that helped propel her political career.

Former Georgia House of Representatives Minority Leader Stacey Abrams is remaining mum on who funded two tax exempt non-profit organizations. Voter Access Institute and Third Sector Development, both created and led by the Democrat, received a total of $12.5 million in donations from 2013 to 2016. The purpose of Voter Access Institute was to locate “low-propensity” voters and persuade them to go to the polls. Third Sector Development organized a voter-registration initiative that targeted people of color.

The two foundations paid Abrams nearly half a million dollars over the course of three years and introduced the former state representative to a national fundraising network. However, the gubernatorial nominee has refused to publish the names of donors involved in her non-profit work.  MORE

Abrams has taken criticism on the campaign trail for her struggles with massive personal debt. The Democratic nominee has accumulated hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt on credit cards, student loans and IRS back taxes. She has attributed much of her debt to a misunderstanding during college of how credit cards worked.

10 Comments on Georgia Democrat Candidate For Governor Refuses To Reveal Source Of Million-Dollar Donations

  1. In 2014, Republican Nathan Deal beat Jimmy Carter’s grandson running for Georgia governor by 8 points. I hope these mystery donors pour money on Abrams, because she is going to lose. Maybe in ten years, Stacy, but not now.

  2. Democrats do not care. They don’t even pretend to care about their own candidates’ criminal behavior. Today, the only way to not know how bad these candidates are is to willfully ignore the information available and accept nothing that doesn’t come from their echo-chamber comfort sources. So I don’t give any of the Dem voters the benefit of the doubt anymore. They’re either really stupid and/or they completely approve of these tactics. We must nuke them at the polls or we’ll lose everything we hold dear.

  3. col·lu·sion
    Secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
    Illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially between ostensible opponents.
    Origin – The DNC
    Wasn’t she on “What’s Happening”? The waitress?
    never mind,,,

  4. “She has attributed much of her debt to a misunderstanding during college of how credit cards worked.”

    But somehow, she thinks she’s qualified to be the chief executive officer of a state?

    Look away, look away, look away Dixie land!


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