Georgia Democrat Jon Ossoff : I don’t live in district – IOTW Report

Georgia Democrat Jon Ossoff : I don’t live in district

Hill: Democrat Jon Ossoff dismissed concerns Tuesday over the fact that he doesn’t live in the Georgia congressional district in which he’s running for a House seat.

“I grew up in this district; I grew up in this community – it’s my home. My family is still there,” Ossoff said during an interview on CNN’s “New Day.”

Ossoff currently lives just outside Georgia’s 6th Congressional District with his girlfriend, while she is attending medical school. He said that he has been transparent about the fact that he doesn’t live in the district, and pledged to move back to the district as soon as his girlfriend finishes school.

“I’m a mile and a half down the street to support Alicia while she finishes medical school. It’s something I’ve been very transparent about,” he said. In fact, I’m proud to be supporting her career.”As soon as she finishes her medical training, I’ll be 10 minutes back up the road into the district where I grew up,” he continued.  read more

13 Comments on Georgia Democrat Jon Ossoff : I don’t live in district

  1. He and his girlfriend are scamming her tuition costs too, I bet.
    If it works for maxine, he thought he’d give it a shot.
    I sentence him to have to wear a maxine wig hat on his head for 2 weeks, then don’t come back.

  2. From the Hill article:
    “In a special House election in Kansas last week, Republican Ron Estes narrowly slid to victory in a deep-red district — an outcome that could be an early indicator of tough reelection bids for Republicans in next year’s midterms.”

    Only when a republican wins by 7 percentage points is the election “close”. When a dem wins by 7% it’s a “landslide”!

    Rush was right, the media is looking for anything so they can claim Trump’s support is falling.

  3. @Extirpates – No, requirements as outlined by the Constitution:

    “No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.”

    I had the same thought as you a couple of weeks ago and looked it up.

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