Georgia: Democrat Senate Candidate Raphael Warnock: America Needs to Repent for Supporting Trump and its “Worship of Whiteness” – IOTW Report

Georgia: Democrat Senate Candidate Raphael Warnock: America Needs to Repent for Supporting Trump and its “Worship of Whiteness”


Raphael Warnock is the future of the Democrat Party. He hates America and hates whitey.

Warnock is running against Senator Kelly Loeffler next week in a Georgia runoff election.

And if the same illegal behavior is allowed in the Georgia run-off election as was allowed in the Georgia general election, Reverend Warnock has a good chance of stealing a seat in the US Senate! read more

18 Comments on Georgia: Democrat Senate Candidate Raphael Warnock: America Needs to Repent for Supporting Trump and its “Worship of Whiteness”

  1. I am not a racist but I sure as hell won’t support the worship of blackness. Every life matters, I don’t care who you are, what you do to earn a living, what color or race or religion you are or if you’re a freak or straight or whatever, we all matter and not just politically correct victim groups favored by a govt. that worships so called diversity. United we used to stand and we are now divided and have fallen over the edge into the abyss into chaos, anarchy and the destruction of everything that used to be good about America.

  2. He’s had his 15 minutes of fame now. Time to fade to black.

    (Oh my, did he really say that?) I mean the original meaning, not the urban dictionary meaning. That’s a wrap!

  3. The future of the Democratic party? Hardly, everything he BELIEVES has already been SAID on the House floor by various members of The Squad, you know, the real brain trust of the DNC.

  4. He wants to talk about the “uncomfortable issues”. Does that include why over half of black men don’t stick around to raise their children, dooming them to poverty with no guidance?
    Or is that a “white” elephant in the room?

  5. Warnock is an abomination and is heading for a very fiery future, and I don’t mean is the senate. Rather the place I speak of has no term limits – just like the interminable congress; and similiarly filled with murders and thieves. He is so fouled in his mind that it is impossible for him to repent.
    Good riddance to bad rubbish!

  6. Makes you wonder what his internal polling looks like. I bet it’s nothing like the media polls we see. Could be he’s just letting the bitterness and venom fly because he found out the Brookhaven ladies detest him, only massive fraud can get him installed, and he’s gotten some bad news about that lifeline.

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