Georgia Democrat Vernon Jones: “I have left the plantation” – IOTW Report

Georgia Democrat Vernon Jones: “I have left the plantation”

I’m sick and tired of me and my family being attacked and harassed by the Democrat Party for putting my country before my party. I take pride in being an independent thinker. My first amendment right to freedom of speech is under siege. I intend to help the Democrat Party get rid of its bigotry against Black people that are independent and conservative.”

“I endorsed the White guy (Donald J. Trump) that let Blacks out of jail, and they endorsed the White guy (Joe Biden) that put Blacks in jail. Turn the lights off, I have left the plantation. Someone else can occupy that suite. Therefore, I intend not to complete my term effective April 22, 2020. However, I will remain woke and vigilant in educating and fighting for my people.– Georgia Representative Vernon Jones(D)

17 Comments on Georgia Democrat Vernon Jones: “I have left the plantation”

  1. “However, I will remain woke and vigilant in educating and fighting for my people.” – Georgia Representative Vernon Jones(D)…Who’s his people?….Does that include me and the rest of us melanin challenged folks?….

  2. I’ve seen too many D’rats switch to Republican in my county, just to get elected, & then go back to governing enriching themselves off the taxpayer teat to trust anyone

    but, then again …. PDT & Reagan were once D’rats, as I once was

    so, if you’re sincere, Bravo Sir, Bravo & welcome to the party … if not, it shows your character, & you’re a typical shithouse D’rat … hope you do something unusual for a politician & don’t disappoint

  3. Not so fast, dude. This statement makes his plantation escape a little hinky;
    “I intend to help the Democrat Party get rid of its bigotry against Black people that are independent and conservative.”
    That’s an impossible task. The Democrats will never be anything but tyrannical, Godless, socialist, deviant power brokers. He needs to completely walk away and come home with an “R” beside his name.

  4. Everything is right, but DON’T RESIGN YOUR SEAT! They will just fill it with a more brainwashed and loyal house negro who loves the plantation and whips those who don’t.

    Stay in your spot, you earned it, you can influence policy, now we are going to watch a radical take that seat, and use so much money and energy to kick them out.

    Bad call…

  5. He isn’t brave. He’s running away because he’s getting flak from Democrats. He needs to either switch parties or kill himself because he is now permanently dead to Democrats.

  6. wow, did hell freeze over?

    a democrat with values and morals

    who would have thought they would ever see that ?

    wait until he figures what abortion has done the blacks!


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