Georgia Election Board Refers 35 Voter Fraud Cases for Prosecution – IOTW Report

Georgia Election Board Refers 35 Voter Fraud Cases for Prosecution


Georgia’s election board this week referred 35 cases of voter fraud for prosecution.

“Election fraud is not tolerated in Georgia. When there is evidence of it, the people responsible face prosecution,” Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, chairman of the five-member board, said in a statement.

“Georgia has multiple safeguards in place that allow our team of investigators to discover fraudulent voting. They worked to catch the wrongdoing in these cases, and they maintain the security of Georgia elections,” the Republican added.

The cases include four instances where authorities say convicted felons voted or registered to vote and four other cases of non-citizens voting or registering to do so.

Authorities also said a group called the New Georgia Project submitted 1,268 voter registration applications after a deadline, causing voters for be disenfranchised in a 2019 special election. more

SNIP: ONLY 35? Pfffft.

14 Comments on Georgia Election Board Refers 35 Voter Fraud Cases for Prosecution

  1. Where is the one case with three defendants seen at State Farm Arena pulling ballots out of the output tray of the scanner tabulator, loading them into the input tray, and scanning them three more times?

    One of the bitches was too lazy to do the whole batch at a time, so she just pulled off the top third or so to re-feed into the machine. Without getting out of her chair.

    Has this video been in front of a judge? If not, why?

  2. More lies from our utterly corrupt SoS Raffensperger. Attorneys for the Trump campaign showed the following fraudulent votes in GA (from the SoS’s own database according to the attorney on the call with Trump that Raffensperger apparently illegally recorded and leaked to the press). 35 cases is just smoke and mirrors to pretend that he is sincerely concerned about voter fraud in GA. I think Stacy Abrams owns him and Kemp by being able to prove that they took Dominion money.

    — 2,506 felons

    — “66,248 underage, and therefore ineligible, people” who illegally registered to vote “before their 17th birthday, when the law requires 17-and-a-half years old”

    — “At least 2,423 individuals” voted who were “not listed as registered”

    — “1,043 individuals to cast ballots” who illegally registered to vote using a post office box

    — 4,926 people who registered to vote after the state’s voter registration date, “thereby canceling their Georgia voter registration”

    — 10,315 “or more individuals who were deceased by the time of the election”

    — 395 people “who had cast ballots in another state, which is illegal in both states”

    — 15,700 people who filed a “national change of address” with the postal service prior to the Nov. 3 election date

    — 40,279 people who had moved from one county to the next “at least 30 days prior” to the election without properly registering to vote in their new location, which is a violation of state law

  3. This story isn’t for anyone who has actually been paying attention — it’s for the gullible sheep who consume whatever the MSM feeds them without question. It’s meant to muddy the waters by making it look like officials are doing something without actually doing anything at all.

  4. Don’t forget Dominion traveled the state applying software “patches” to the voting machines after the software load had been ‘certified’ and before the November election in DIRECT CONTRAVENTION of state law.

    But that also seems to be too minor to cause even concern.

    I’ll never vote again in this state but I may form my own Political Action Committee of one. I’ve heard PAC’s can get shit accomplished.

  5. Let me correct my statement. The American people have been systematically stabbed in the back by a conniving and devious media and democrat party with overwhelming help by big tech.

    They fucked us and left us for dead in a gutter.

    Then their street goons orchestrated the shit in DC on Jan 6, where BLM, Antifa bought MAGA hats and did what Antifa and BLM do naturally. They sought to delegitimize Trump and his supporters which led to this Stalinist show trial.

    This was the perfect storm of a communist takeover.

  6. Raffensperger finally decides to acknowledge voter fraud? What about the video evidence in Fulton county? What about the election worker and her daughter that made a video admitting to stuffing the ballot box? What about the thousands of dead voters? out of state voters? those registered after the cut-off? What about 13 of the 14 metro counties that had over 100% voting results?

    Raffensperger gave away the election.


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