Georgia elections chief hints at organized effort behind ballot harvesting, registering non-citizens – IOTW Report

Georgia elections chief hints at organized effort behind ballot harvesting, registering non-citizens

Just The News

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said his office is investigating ballot harvesting and the registration of noncitizens to vote, both of which he suggests may have been orchestrated by third-party organizations.

His office did a citizenship audit of Georgia’s voter rolls and found more than 1,600 noncitizens who tried registering to vote, Raffensperger told the John Solomon Reports podcast Tuesday.

“[W]hat I found is we had 1,634 that were never put on the voter rolls, they were in the pending status, because they couldn’t prove their citizenship,” he explained. “That’s a felony in Georgia to even attempt to register if you’re a noncitizen. And that’s a one to 10-year prison term, and up to a $100,000 fine.”

Raffensperger said his office sent the information they found to the state attorney general and local district attorneys, who will interview those who couldn’t prove their citizenship and ask them: “Did you do this on your own free will? Or were you put up by it by some third-party organization?”

Through these investigations, Raffensperger said, that they will find out if there is “an organization that’s been really attempting to get noncitizens on the voter rolls in Georgia.”

He noted that his office is currently defending state law that requires ID and citizenship checks for voters against Stacey Abrams’ Fair Fight Action, Inc. group, which is suing Georgia, claiming that the law violates the U.S. Constitution and the Voting Rights Act. more

10 Comments on Georgia elections chief hints at organized effort behind ballot harvesting, registering non-citizens

  1. The cows have already left the barn. He’s tainted and playing strict defense. While he’s at trying to keep the illusion of election integrity, he may as well send 3 dozen pallets of Slim Fast to Ethiopia. It makes about as much sense.

  2. @Tsquared – I’m sure it’s just coincidence but he spent $106 million of taxpayer’s money on Dominion voting machines when he came into office and another $25 million or so shortly thereafter. I firmly believe he and Kemp (who started the negotiations with Dominion when he was SOS) were handsomely rewarded by Dominion / the CCP for installing the globalist election stealing machines and software. His “investigation” is nothing more than an attempt to cover up his own corruption with his partner in crime, Kemp.

  3. He’s running for reelection to SOS. So of course he’s investigatin’ and findin’ out some insignificant stuff.

    NTW, his brother works for Huawei in China. Just a coincidence, I’m sure.


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